10 Eerie Tales That Were Experienced by Real People

The late hours of the night, when the world is shrouded in darkness and silence reigns, often invite introspection and contemplation. It’s in these quiet moments, perhaps when we’re snuggled up under a cozy blanket, that we’re often drawn to spine-tingling stories—real-life stories that defy explanation and challenge our understanding of the world around us.

These are not mere urban legends or fictional stories created for entertainment; they are accounts shared by ordinary people, recounting encounters with the inexplicable and disturbing. From terrifying coincidences to encounters with the paranormal, each story peels back the skies of everyday life to reveal glimpses of reality where the unknown lurks beyond our perception.

Most of us like to spend our nights curled up under a blanket in bed surfing the internet.

However, there are stories we come across that shake us. We have encountered a number of them and they are not just made-up stories; rather, they are true anecdotes from the experiences of ordinary people.

1. Hungry student.

In South Korea, my friend Minji was employed as an English teacher. She tutored boys in high school. The buses stopped running because they were learning quite late.

The boy begged to sleep on the floor and wake up to catch the first bus. Minji was quite reluctant at first, but she relented.

I’m so hungry, the boy says, to wake her up around two in the morning. Come on, let’s have dinner. Minji looked up at him in shock and asked, “Food? Right now? Go back to bed; it’s 2 am.” in the kitchen, but preferred to visit the nearby 24-hour establishment.

The boy finally convinces Minji to accompany him to the restaurant. The boy turns to Minji once they’re on the street and declares, “I’m not hungry.” I woke up in the middle of the night and peeked under your bed. The man is napping there.

After contacting the police, they find out that a homeless man has been living in Minja’s apartment for more than two months, sleeping under her bed. The boy only saw him because he was lying on her floor and could see well under the bed. That is the scariest thing that has ever happened to anyone I know, but luckily nothing serious happened when the cops took the man into custody.

2. Avoid receiving calls from unidentified numbers.

My brother used to receive calls on his mobile every night between 2:00 am and 3:00 am. a few years back. As he answered, there was a strange sound. Like a scream mixed with static electricity.

After a month, he changed his mobile number and everything stopped.

Then, after about a week, it started again. Exactly the same noise. right at that moment. Finally, one day he decided to end the conversation. The elderly man spoke without knowing the subject. But the calls continued.

I was going to call him a few more times if he didn’t answer. No notes left.

He decided to cancel his contract with his phone company, choose a new provider, and get a new number. After a moment or two the calls were still loud and static. He was afraid every night now. Tried calling the number again and got a different person, not sure why this was happening.

This time he lost his phone and his job.

The phone calls are over. Now he disconnected his phone. My mother wants me to listen one day to a strange message she received on our home phone. The cause was screeching static electricity. My brother was thrilled when we showed it to him. When he tried to call the number again, it turned out to be disconnected. After that, nothing was heard of it.

3. Children see better than adults.

In 2003, my wife’s mother died. At her home, friends and family gathered to celebrate her end of life. The party continued late into the night. My three-year-old needed to go to bed.

Together we climbed the stairs to his quarters. Upstairs and right down the hall when you reached the top of the landing was the room where my mother-in-law died.

My son and I headed up together.

My young man stopped when we were almost at the top of the stairs and refused to move. He was looking straight down the hall.

I looked at him before turning and heading down the hall to the pitch-black bedroom through the open door.

He refused to look away; he just stared.

“Buddy, are you okay?” I asked. In response, he said, “Dad.” I’m afraid of the light. once more into the corridor, where he gazed into the distance. “Can you see the light, mate?” “Yes, Dad, I’m afraid of that.

I quickly got up to pick him up and head back down. The hairs on the back of my neck still stand up when I think about it.

4. We are never alone.

A few years ago I attended a Christmas party.

I decided to stay with a few other friends while my roommates left early. I arrived home at about three in the morning. After a few minutes outside, I noticed a light come on in the kitchen. My roommate emerged behind me and waved at me. He simply grabs the bed and drinks water.

He asks, “Who came back from the party with you last night?” as we recap the events of the previous evening the next morning. I give him a sly look and say, “No one dude, I was alone.” “No, someone was on the porch behind you when you were looking in and waving,” he insists. I couldn’t be bothered to introduce myself because I didn’t think he was some random friend from a Christmas party.

He still supports this version of events today; whatever it was, it must have been closely following me the whole time, for I heard nothing and saw no one.

5. Ghosts are not always evil!

My family lived in a haunted house and I was confined to the bathroom. I was alone at home.

The door didn’t latch so you had to push it firmly into the jam before you realized the knob didn’t work. Downstairs I heard the side door slam. I assumed my father was at home.

“This!” I yelled at him. I am confined to the toilet! I heard his footsteps on the wooden floor. He got stuck at the bottom of the stairs, then went into the kitchen and down the hall. “Daddy! I’m trapped! I yelled. I heard him run up the stairs and stop at the top. I yelled, “I’m locked in the bathroom!” once more. It’s four more steps to get through the door. “Daddy?


The door flew open and slammed against the wall. I walked into the hallway and looked around. No one was present. Not a single person.

With a gracious “Thank you” I headed straight to bed.

6. It might be good to sleep with the lights on.

Mature woman waking up through alarm ring on smart phone in bedroom

I was playing a game with my partner on my phone when I heard rustling outside my window – remember, I live in a basement. I turned off my iPod and had no curtains.

I saw eyes that were really focused on me.

This went on for about ten minutes. I texted my younger sister to come get the bat and turn on the lights upstairs. When he saw the lights, he fired.

7. Something was inside the furnace vents.

When his mom’s friend came downstairs and told us to leave it downstairs, I was at my friend’s house watching TV. We exchanged a confused look because we weren’t using the loud TV. We were just watching TV. He asked, “You’re not screaming?” when we answered we were not loud and shook our heads.

He just gives us a “huh” and tells us that he and my friend’s mother heard someone screaming from the furnace vents so they assumed it was coming from the furnace being in the basement.

We were about fifteen feet from the furnace and heard nothing.

8. Dogs have senses that humans don’t.

I was sitting in my room on the second floor.

The dog is sleeping in the hallway outside my door while my younger brother is downstairs watching TV. Our dog starts howling, tapping his nails, and barking. “Oh, she’s a good girl,” he said in a male voice as I stood up to see what was going on.

It didn’t sound like a little brother, so when I answered the door I assumed it was my dad’s friend or our roommate and said, “Oh, you’re home early!”

Before I know it, the dog is alone, wagging his tail and staring at the empty end of the hallway. Little Bro came upstairs to scold me for upsetting the dog and claimed to have heard the same voice, assuming it was me or our roommate.

9. An unexpected guest.

It was night and I was home alone. I was in the living room watching TV when the doorbell rang. I hesitate to answer the door when I hear the doorbell, especially when I’m home alone. I approach the skewer and peek through without turning on the porch light so they have no idea who’s really home. I can make out a small figure moving in what appears to be dancing, even though it’s dark. Imagine someone effortlessly moving their arms like wings.

Even though it was dark outside, I could still see what was going on because this figure was more opaque. After a few seconds, I stopped looking through the peephole. When I gathered my nerve and looked back, whatever it was was gone.

10. Pay close attention.

When we could, my friend and I would go jogging after school and explore the trails. One in particular climbed a steep dirt slope to a ridge overlooking the surrounding valley and was above the park. Although it was a little isolated, it was a beautiful place to run.

We heard something when we stopped for a walk after we stopped running. It just gave us chills when we heard that, for whatever reason. I have never heard anything so strange as this sound in my life. It sounded so strange, but whatever it was, it was something.

Managing your in-laws can be a very emotional journey at times. Imagine choosing a gift that you thought was thoughtful, only for it to go wrong. This is one of the stories of our readers. Her MIL stole her credit card and she had no idea why, and the explanation is shocking.

In closing, these chilling stories remind us that reality can often be stranger and more disturbing than fiction. From encounters with hidden strangers under the bed to eerie phone calls and unexplained voices, each story offers a glimpse into moments of deep unease and mystery that defy rational explanation.

An anecdote from South Korea serves as a poignant reminder of vulnerability and trust, where a student’s innocent request for food revealed a sinister presence lurking beneath the safety of home. Similarly, the relentless night calls in the second story evoke a sense of dread and paranoia, pushing the boundaries of what we perceive as normal.

The innocence of children, as illustrated in the third story, sometimes allows them to perceive things that adults cannot—a poignant reminder of the unseen forces and energies that may exist beyond our understanding. Even mundane activities like coming home from a party can be unnerving when accompanied by unexplained sightings, the fifth story tells.

Pets, with their heightened senses, often act as our first line of defense against the unknown, as seen in the seventh story where the dog’s reaction indicated a presence beyond human perception. Meanwhile, unexpected visitors in the dead of night, like the character described in the ninth story, add an element of the supernatural to everyday situations.

Ultimately, these stories invite us to think about the limits of our understanding and the unseen forces that can coexist with us. Whether through encounters with the paranormal or unsettling experiences that defy explanation, they remind us that the world is full of mysteries waiting to be explored and understood.

As we curl up under the covers at night, surf the internet, or tell stories, these narratives linger in our minds, leaving us pondering the thin veil that separates our reality from the unknown. They serve as cautionary tales, urging us to remain alert and open in a world where the unexpected can often be the most unsettling of all.

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