10 Verified Events That Suggest Supernatural Forces Could Exist

Although others claim that ghosts and ghosts are just illusions of the mind, some life experiences make us reconsider this idea.

The accounts we tell today focus on people experiencing unexplained, otherworldly events or feeling the presence of loved ones who have passed on.

Whatever your opinion on these phenomena, one thing is for sure: they will send chills down your spine.

It was a beautiful summer day in 1995 and I was about 9 years old when I went to the fridge for a popsicle. As I turned to look at him, a young man with long brown hair red plaid bell bottoms, and a beige turtleneck suddenly turned and disappeared down the hall to my left.

I hid it from everyone for years. However, one day my mother revealed something shocking to me: she told me that the children who lived in the house before us, who are now adults, asked her if she had seen the “ghost in the bell bottom”. © Reddit / Darkness

Years ago I was able to see a little blond boy in my parent’s bedroom through a mirrored wardrobe. His back was to me when he sat.

I don’t remember ever seeing his face.

Although I doubt I saw him often, I vividly recall his appearance. I also tried to show it to my parents. They always said no and especially my mother got really mad at me for asking. My mom asked me about that closet out of the blue years and years later, when I was an adult and long after my parents sold the house.

She told me she saw the little kid too and I freaked out. Not in mirrors, but sometimes just in her dreams or out of the corner of her eye when she was cooking and happened to see a child’s golden hair floating around her sides.

It happened rarely enough to cause them serious anxiety. So imagine how my mom freaked out too when I told her I saw the same little boy. © Reddit/10487518386

In a dream, my best friend’s father—whom I thought of as a second father—came to me and ordered me to tell my friend that he loved her and apologize. When my phone rang when I woke up, it was my best friend who was completely distraught and told me that he had finally died of multiple sclerosis. I cried all day. © Unknown Author/Reddit

I was fifteen years old when I woke up in the middle of the night and saw this strange spotlight on my wall. It was a circle with several bright round dots inside. It turned on hard, turned 90 degrees, and turned off. The light was quite brilliant, yet it was only focused on one area of ​​my wall, making it look very strange.

When I woke up the next morning, I couldn’t get the image out of my head, so I just believed I must have imagined it. “I had a dream last night where my whole room suddenly lit up with these circular dots floating around,” my sister told me as we chatted over breakfast.

I was getting pretty excited. “That really happened!

I noticed that too when I woke up!” My sibling froze.

“How is that even possible? I have the blinds completely closed.

It still gives me chills. © -CoreyJ- / Reddit

My family went on vacation to Canada when I was seventeen (this was before cell phones, answering machines, and the Internet) and I stayed to work a summer job. They were supposed to be gone for seven days, but on the seventh day, my mother sent me a letter informing me that she would be back two days later than expected because they had decided to visit friends in Vermont.

As expected, they all regretted staying away for the next two days without informing me when they finally showed up at the door two days later.

You told me, I answered. Your postcard arrived two days ago. My mother replied, “We didn’t send a postcard.” Even if we sent a postcard, it wouldn’t reach its destination because we decided to stop on the way home. I reached for the stack of mail on the counter and remarked, “But I have the postcard right here.” I looked through it, but there was no postcard.

I seem to have had a dream in which she sent it to me to inform me. © Reddit / Wiseb***98

I remember waking up one night around the time my grandpa died and my dad seemed to be checking on me. My late grandfather and my dad are very similar.

Usually, my dad came to check on me in my room, but when I woke up and he wasn’t moving, I said, “Dad,” and he turned to leave before he was out of sight.

Then I pulled the covers over my head and fell asleep again.

When I asked my dad about it the next day, he assured me it was just sleep paralysis.

However, I was suffering from sleep paralysis before that, and that night I realized that someone was staring at me. © Unknown Author/Reddit

With a loud crash, my phone levitated a few inches above the kitchen counter, then immediately fell back down.

At the time my partner was in the living room where he could see me but not my phone and heard the crash as it fell. © Reddit / big kitty

My employer at the truck stop where I worked for several years died of cancer. Our new manager wanted our food to look more delicate, so she added a glass case after his death.

One day it just blew up at work. When the cameras were reviewed, the only thing anyone witnessed was the case falling apart while no one else was around. Additionally, a fire alarm had gone off earlier that day and the origin was located in the back room where my former employer was mostly employed. Cameras showed the room was empty when the alarm went off.

Maybe it was just a coincidence, but there were two really disturbing incidents on the same day. © reddit/nicolia***off

My mom and I had a fight when I was around 13 or 14. It ended with them taking me to my room; I can’t remember what it was about. I lay in bed, turned on my Nintendo DS and closed the door like I always do.

Moments later, my legs suddenly and violently shot into the air, only to be thrown back down with such force that my legs briefly bounced onto the bed. I was so scared that I was unable to move or even speak.

When I finally worked up the courage to get up and run into my mom and siblings’ living room, I noticed that my door was not secured. © Reddit/ahometoalife

As nightmares go, when I was younger I had this bizarre cat thing that came out of my TV and started haunting me. It was just your average day until I noticed that my brother seemed to be retreating from these strange objects that looked like slime. As you might expect, I was caught and horrified when I woke up.

When I woke up the next morning and went downstairs, I heard my brother and mother talking. He informed her about his nightmare where he saw me being chased by something to his left and these gooey monsters going after him. Until then, neither of us had shared our dreams with the other.

I still have questions about it. © Reddit/TheKingofHats007

When our children tell us stories from their previous lives, it creates another chilling story that unsettles us. This piece explores early memories that evoke introspective reflections on the nature of humanity.

These recounted experiences offer glimpses into the mysterious and often disturbing realm of the supernatural, challenging our understanding of reality and the unseen forces that may exist beyond it. While skeptics may dismiss such stories as tricks of perception or illusions of the mind, these first-hand encounters force us to rethink the limits of what we think is possible.

Each story resonates with a sense of eerie familiarity and unexplained phenomena, from sightings of ghostly figures to unexplained occurrences such as levitating objects and prophetic dreams. These encounters blur the line between the physical and spiritual worlds and encourage deep reflection on the nature of existence and the potential existence of entities beyond our understanding.

Whether these experiences are interpreted as paranormal manifestations or simply inexplicable coincidences, they undeniably evoke a sense of wonder and curiosity. They highlight the enduring human fascination with the supernatural and the enduring mysteries that persist in our everyday lives.

Ultimately, these stories serve as a reminder that the world is full of mysteries yet to be revealed, encouraging us to approach the unknown with an open mind and a willingness to explore the depths of our own perceptions and beliefs. They remind us that while science can provide explanations for many phenomena, there are aspects of human experience that defy rational explanation, leaving room for wonder and contemplation of mysteries that lie beyond our immediate understanding.

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