12 Individuals Whose Intuition Proved to Be Correct

Intuition is a powerful, often inexplicable feeling that can sometimes mean the difference between safety and danger. The countless stories people around the world share about their gut experiences often underscore how mysterious, yet potentially life-saving, our instincts can be. As a vast repository of personal stories, the Internet provides a platform where these individual moments of quick thinking or sudden insight can be shared and validated by others who have experienced similar episodes.

These stories of intuition range from narrowly avoiding physical accidents to making life-changing decisions based on a fleeting feeling or hunch. They illustrate not only the potential of human intuition to protect and guide us but also the various scenarios in which listening to our inner voice has proven crucial. Whether it’s a premonition of danger or an instinctive response to a strange situation, these narratives force us to pay more attention to our own instincts and perhaps trust them more than we normally should.

It’s possible that following your intuition will prevent you from being hurt or saddened. People on the Internet learned this the hard way when following their instincts in life-threatening circumstances led to a completely different conclusion. Their experiences serve as a crucial reminder to trust our inner guidance.

Every night I walked down the hall without turning on the light. One evening, as I near the end of the hallway, I suddenly feel the urge to turn on the lights.

I turn on the light in the hallway, walk all the way back to my room, and leave.

Right in front of my decision to turn across the hall was a massive and deadly taipan snake moving from room to room. They wouldn’t be able to get me the right antidote if he bit me in the dark.

As I mowed the yard with the lawnmower, I suddenly had a strong feeling that I was being watched. I looked around and thought I saw someone standing in the upper window.

Since no one was home, I tried to ignore it and kept cutting even though I felt an overwhelming sense of fear.

I had to stop immediately because of it. The ground in front of me was sinking as it did, creating a sinkhole that was 12 feet deep and 15 feet wide. If I hadn’t stopped right away, the tractor would probably have crushed me.

My husband and I rented a very nice cabin near Big Sur, California for a few nights. She had a scary dream that made her wake up scared and crying, which she never does. I felt terrible when I promised her we could take a trip after I woke up.

We felt better the further we traveled.

We ended up spending the night in Monterey. We were in a cabin that caught fire. Years later, writing it still gives me chills.

I was afraid of bears, so I begged my mother to bring me home from scout camp soon. One night I left, and a bear tore up the camp. Fortunately, no one was hurt. Everything just ripped apart before I was told.

I work as a firefighter. We responded to a tree fire that was caused by a downed power line. When the truck arrives, I trust my driver and crew chief to do a good job and be aware of the situation. After getting out of the truck, we park near some electrical wires that haven’t fallen. My crew chief assures me that everything will be fine when I express my concerns about the swinging ropes on this very windy night.

I mount the branch, ready to start the fire with two more bikes when a chill runs down my spine. We pull out the hose because the risk of the tree fire spreading to the house outweighs the potential risk of arcing and disconnecting the line when it falls. I yell, “Everyone moves,” as I look up to see the ropes swinging wildly. We hear bangs and pops as the three of us run and dodge out of the way, and sure enough, the rope we were under comes loose and remains attached to the power pole. We’d probably all perish if I didn’t get that sense of peace.

At that time, my daughter was one and a half years old.

Even though she had a cold, she had no problem going to sleep. That night I woke up in the middle of the night feeling quite uneasy and nervous.

I couldn’t quite put my finger on what was wrong. I got up, ate my midnight snack, and tried to relax. I decided to see how my roommates were doing before I tried to go back to sleep.

As soon as I enter I hear a faint gasp coming from her crib. It couldn’t be heard outside the room because it was so quiet. I could see her breathing fast and heavy when I picked her up. Her oxygen went down so I took her to the hospital where she had to stay overnight and receive treatment with a nebulizer and oxygen.

Due to a cold that triggered an asthma attack, she was diagnosed with Reactive Airway Disease.

On the back of my motorcycle was my friend. We were following a truck carrying a load of used tires down a country road when I suddenly realized we shouldn’t be there and quickly slowed down to allow the truck to pass. One of the truck’s tires burst just as I was about to step on it and it landed where we would be.

When I was two or three, I used to have nightmares.

When I woke up one night, I went to my foster parents’ room and told them there was a bee under my pillow. “No, Arwen, it’s not. Go back to sleep,” they ordered. Let the tears flow. When she finally enters my room and turns on the light, my foster mother remarks, “There are no bees in here.” Look!”

Just as she was picking up my pillow, a bee accidentally flew out. I cried uncontrollably when Mom kicked the bee out the window. She asked me how I knew the bee was there and gave me the weirdest look. I was completely ignorant.

My nightmare had nothing to do with it.

My mom and sisters wanted to go for a drive out of town when I was about five or six years old. I sobbed uncontrollably because for some reason I didn’t want to travel with them and decided to ride in my other sister’s car instead. As it turned out, my mother and other sisters were in the car when it crashed and commented, “You would have died if you had been in the car.” Fortunately, my family was fine. But I felt pretty awesome after that.

One night I noticed two persons lying on the ground in front of a car that was stopped in the middle of the road while I was driving. I decided to drive past the car and the two people because I had a nagging feeling that something was wrong.

As I pull over to use my phone to contact the police, I notice two individuals lying on the road and five more emerging from the bushes in my rearview mirror.

I invited this gorgeous girl I met on Halloween night to a party I later attended. I accompanied her two friends to the party and she went alone. We chat briefly before splitting up to work in the room. I was getting a little worried when I suddenly felt a strong need to find her.

The man who moved in led her outside to a semi-private spot under the balcony. I took her hand, pretending it meant something, and led her out of the party and into the front yard, not really caring what he did. thought Three minutes ago, the huge terrace above where she stood collapsed and we both heard a massive crash.

I’m sure she wouldn’t be here today if I hadn’t picked her up. I ended up marrying her and it scares me to think how it almost never happened in such a horrible way.

I’m sure she wouldn’t be here today if I hadn’t picked her up. I ended up marrying her and it scares me to think how it almost never happened in such a horrible way.

My mother often tells this story. She was working in the office when she suddenly felt a strong impulse to get out of her cube and go somewhere. Shortly thereafter, a fifteen-foot-wide segment of the ceiling gave way, completely engulfing the floor in a layer of plaster and metal.

Everyone has their personal anecdotes that they would rather keep to themselves because they seem so improbable. However, some people feel more comfortable expressing them online in secret.

In this piece, we’ve collected some of these disturbing stories to show how terrifying circumstances can have a profound effect on anyone.

These extraordinary stories of intuition and instincts serve as a powerful reminder of the instinctive intelligence we all possess, yet often overlook. Each story provides a glimpse into the moments when split-second decisions, guided by an inner nudge, led to life-saving actions or prevented potential disasters. From avoiding physical harm to making major life changes, these messages highlight the importance of listening to our inner voices, especially in critical situations.

These experiences not only celebrate human resilience and the ability to sense danger but also encourage us to trust ourselves more. By sharing these stories, we can inspire others to pay attention to their intuitive signals that may one day make a significant difference in their lives. Whether it’s a whisper of caution or a cry of urgency, our instincts are an invaluable guide to the complexities and dangers of our world.

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