12 People Recall Horrifying Dates That Have Become Unforgettable

Navigating the dating realm can be both exciting and challenging, often revealing unexpected aspects of individuals’ personalities and compatibility. For many, the search for a solid family and a reliable partner is a journey marked by encounters with a diverse range of people, some of whom turn out to be completely unsuitable partners.

Most people want a solid family and a reliable spouse, but sometimes you have to deal with the wrong people. Sometimes you don’t know for years that someone isn’t right for you. In other cases, clarity appears quickly—often within a few dates.

We visited the cinema. She gets up to go to the bathroom, but it takes her a while to return. As I head after her, the man behind the concession stand gives me the most pitying look I’ve ever seen and points in the direction of the corner.

Where I discovered her flirting with another man.

She laughed at my jokes, liked me, and was pretty. I was into her too; there was chemistry between us, everything was there. One day when we were in a group, a random guy cracked a lame joke, the kind you laugh at out of politeness. In addition to not laughing, he remarks, “You’re not funny.” The man fell silent and had a melancholy expression.

It felt like she was saying this to me because I have experienced this several times in my life and I immediately lost all interest in her.

After three meetings she came to me and we argued about where my dishes were in the kitchen and how I had made a mistake arranging them that way. She just didn’t like where my dishes were, even though everything was cleaned and stored.

I went on a date Saturday morning with a girl who seemed good at first. She was incredibly pleasant, engaged in lively discussions, and clearly cared about the date. Halfway through, though, she takes a call on her Bluetooth headset—I didn’t even realize it was there, hidden under her hair.

Turns out she was on a business call with a colleague and got into a downright anxious conversation about setting up a meeting or something. They almost had a fight, and every time my co-worker said anything that upset her, she rolled her eyes and gave me a half wink. She ended up explaining that she witnessed a car accident and had to run, which I strangely liked again because it was a sly maneuver. However, she immediately called another co-worker to express her displeasure with the first one. He kept winking at me.

I learned that he rented a house next door to his parents so that his mother could take care of his laundry, cooking, and other household chores.

When I said I was a little hungry, he had the audacity to offer, “I’ll call Mom.”

I dated my best friend and her boyfriend twice while I was on a date with a man. I had to report to work at eleven that evening.

I said I had to be taken back to the car around ten o’clock. When he finally convinced me to call him back and extend our date, I was like, really, really, I have to go. He played a cute role. Then he angrily asked, “Why? You only work as a waitress.” I’ve been thinking about it ever since. Neither the people at my job nor I are “just” anything, nor did they wait for me to get here so they could go home.

This man and I used to hang out, and whenever I played music in the car, he started barking loudly and badly. Sometimes the song was in Spanish, which would confuse me because she doesn’t speak Spanish. I would ask him, “Do you know this song?” after listening to him sing the songs incorrectly for several minutes, but said, “No,” and continued.

I went on a first date with a guy and he was pretty nice at first. But then he started bragging that he had other girls he could see and that I should be grateful he drove an hour to see me. He was exaggerating how sure he was that I loved him. I slept so hard! My relationship with this girl was going great for a few weeks until one of my closest friends got married. She asked me to transfer so we could spend time together. The next morning (around 8 am) she sat outside my apartment and texted me for several hours to come hang out when I didn’t.

I asked if the earth was round or flat.

He replied, “Flat, with a dome above it, sitting on pillars.” I asked him more questions, thinking he must be joking. No. He meant business. I have never seen him.

On our first date, she started looking at my phone while I was filling up gas. I watched her go through it, reading the lyrics as I kept filling up on gas. I really have nothing to hide, but I like honesty and trust.

The pump clicked and she hurriedly returned it. I left her at home and forgo the planned meal. “If I can’t trust you with my phone, I can’t trust you with my future.”

He told me I was a seven out of ten and that I should get plastic surgery to get to a ten. He was over thirty minutes late. He then made eye contact with two women. I moved on and stopped talking to him. A week later I received a call from an unknown number who turned out to be his mother. She informed me about his visit, told her all about me, and how pleased she was that her son had finally met someone. Then she invited me to dinner, which I declined.

Dating can be a roller coaster of experiences, full of excitement and connection and lows of disappointment and frustration. The stories shared here illustrate the diverse and sometimes challenging encounters people face when seeking companionship.

In the pursuit of a solid relationship and a reliable partner, individuals often encounter situations that reveal mismatched expectations, incompatible personalities, or downright disrespectful behavior. From encountering blatant flirting with others on movie dates to enduring insensitive comments about personal appearance, these experiences underscore the importance of mutual respect and genuine compatibility in any relationship.

Each anecdote paints a picture of moments when initial attraction faded into disillusionment or discomfort. Whether it was a partner’s lack of humor, disregard for personal boundaries like phone privacy, or an inflated sense of self-importance, these encounters highlight the complexities of navigating dating land.

Amid these challenges, however, there are also moments of resilience and clarity. Discovering someone’s true nature early on, such as through their behavior or remarks, often leads to a quick decision to move on and seek a healthier connection. It’s a reminder that while dating can involve trial and error, it ultimately serves as a journey of self-discovery and understanding what you truly value in a partner.

As individuals reflect on these experiences, they gain insight into their own boundaries, preferences, and the type of relationship they seek. Every encounter, whether positive or negative, contributes to personal growth and a clearer understanding of what constitutes a fulfilling and respectful partnership.

In dating, every experience—no matter how challenging—offers an opportunity to learn, grow, and ultimately come closer to finding a meaningful connection built on mutual respect, shared values, and genuine affection.

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