A Mother’s Anticipation to Meet Her Son’s Girlfriend Turns to Shock When He Introduces a Woman the Same Age as Her – Highlighted Story of the Day

A wave of apprehension washed over Eliza before she opened the door to greet Adam and his friend Helena. She couldn’t shake the feeling of uncertainty that had been gnawing at her since Adam had mentioned Helen’s name. Despite her efforts to keep an open mind, Eliza couldn’t help but wonder what kind of woman her son had chosen to be with. As she stood there contemplating what lay ahead, she couldn’t help but feel a sense of foreboding in the air. Little did she know that the meeting that was about to take place would shatter her expectations in a way she could never have imagined.

Eliza can’t wait to meet her son’s girlfriend. But when she finally sees her, her delight is replaced by fear.

With a black umbrella to protect her from the searing heat, Eliza stood before the grave of her late husband John. She tried not to cry, her eyes were swollen and red, her nails digging into her palms.

She spoke in a low, emotional tone, “I swear to protect our son.”

“Our young man will live a happy life, and who knows, maybe one day I’ll visit you with our grandchildren.”

As she turned to leave, she noticed her only son, Adam, being hugged by a woman whose gray hair matched hers. She couldn’t see the woman’s face, but she knew she wasn’t a young woman.

Eyes fixed on the floor, she thought, Adam needs all the comfort he can get. It didn’t take long for it to start raining and a voice behind her pulled her aside.

Adam whispered softly, “Mom, it’s time to go home.”

Eliza nodded, her heart heavy with sadness.

She understood that she had to put her son’s needs first.

He was a busy man who had traveled a great distance to learn of his father’s death. She asked him to stay a few weeks after the funeral and he agreed.

Adam came out of his room in a suit and joined her in the living room.

“You look good.” Her eyes glinted with curiosity as she pointed out, “But…this looks too formal to just be going out with friends.

“Yes, Mom,” Adam agreed. I’m going out with Helen, my friend. I’m sure I’ve talked about her before.”

Eliza’s excitement about the TV show she was about to watch quickly dissipated.

“How long have you been together?

Doesn’t he want to meet your mom?”

She was proud of everything Adam had done and he had an outstanding career and accolades. However, there came a point when he was so focused on his work and studies that she began to question his s*xual orientation.

Adam gave a strained smile. “Mom, trust me you will meet her when the time is right.

Eliza pointed out, “Couldn’t be more correct right now.”

But no matter how much she pressed him, he stubbornly refused to give her any more information about Helena.

Eliza said, “At least say that on the date.” “Ask her what she thinks about meeting me.

He would be even more hesitant if I told him about my intention to spoil my future grandchildren.

“I promise your relationship won’t suffer when you meet her. You can still take it at whatever pace you want,” she assured him.

“Okay Mom, you win. You get the chance to meet her,” Adam conceded, his gaze flicking from her to the wall clock. He was late for something.

“But you’ll only meet her when she’s pleased to meet you, okay?”

Eliza immediately agreed. But then her excitement grew when she realized how important it was to impress her son’s fiancee.

“What do young women his age like?” She frantically googled things like $300 lipstick.

“I should go buy a few things. Eliza, ready to start the list,” she whispered, “At the very least, she should agree to visit me this week.”

Eliza decided to ask, “So what did she say?” the next day after he ate because Adam was late.

“You’re not even going to ask me if he’s digesting the food I just ate properly?” Adam blinked and gave her a sharp look.

Adam told her, “She agreed and said Saturday was perfect for her.” “Mom, you can meet her and think she’s not a conventional choice for…”

“That doesn’t worry me. What reason could there be for me not to feel the same way if you love her?” Eliza replied enthusiastically.

“I know, but like I said, it’s not exactly _”

Eliza stormed off muttering the ingredients for Saturday before Adam could finish.

Eliza went shopping for two days and also bought a large piece of jewelry for Helena.

After purchasing a gift at the grocery store, she struck up a discussion with an elderly woman who had also purchased a large gift.

Eliza complimented, “That looks like a very big and beautiful present.”

“I’m grateful.” The woman replied, “It’s for someone I love, someone special to me.”

Eliza wasn’t the first to leave the checkout line; the woman was there before her.

Eliza wanted to talk to her informally. She went home, eager to prepare for the long-awaited meeting with Adam’s girlfriend and her future daughter-in-law, but she didn’t let the missed opportunity bother her.

Eliza was so excited about Helen’s arrival that Friday passed by in a haze. The garden was tended with great care and fresh flowers added charm.

Adam said, “You seem even more excited to have her around than I am.”

I have to leave a positive impression on her right away. “I hope all your comments about me were positive,” Eliza warned her.

Adam comforted his mother, “We both know there’s nothing bad to say about you,” and Eliza hugged him in return.

“Go quickly. Eliza remarked, ‘There is still so much and so little time.’

When Saturday finally came, Eliza was ready and waiting for Helen to arrive.

As she hurried to answer the doorbell, her brow furrowed in confusion when it rang.

“Is that Helen’s mother?” When Eliza opened the door and saw Adam and the elderly woman from the supermarket, she couldn’t help but wonder.

“Mom, this is Helena. “That’s my girlfriend,” Adam stated.

Eliza’s smile hardened. Helena looked twice as old as Adam.

“Mom, won’t you invite us in?”

In the days that followed, Eliza wrestled with her fears and was unsure how to navigate the delicate balance between supporting her son and expressing her reservations about his relationship. She knew Adam had to make his own decisions in the end, but as a mother, she couldn’t help but worry about his future happiness and well-being.

Reflecting on the unexpected turn of events, Eliza realized that life is full of surprises and sometimes things don’t always turn out the way we expect. Despite her initial shock and disappointment, she chooses to trust her son’s judgment and offer him her unwavering love and support, no matter what challenges lie ahead.

In the end, Eliza knew her son’s happiness mattered most and promised to stand by him no matter what path he chose to take in life. And as she looked to the future, she hoped Adam would find the love and happiness he deserves, regardless of age or circumstances.

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