Couple Tried for 6 Years to Have a Baby, but When She Got Pregnant, He Fled

The woman tried for a child for six years before she got pregnant. She was excited to tell her partner it was her 30th birthday but was stunned by his surprise reaction. The 26-year-old woman revealed that she and her partner had been dating for ten years and they both intended to have a child. The internet came together to criticize her partner after seeing her post on Reddit.

Their suspicions were voiced in the comments section, and a month later the woman gave other Redditors an update on what happened after she confronted him. The original poster (OP) has been feeling under the weather for a few days but was unable to see her doctor due to a hectic work schedule at the office. She finally showed up for a doctor’s appointment on her boyfriend’s birthday.

Arriving at the doctor’s office on time, she was thinking about celebrating her boyfriend’s birthday. The doctor informed her that she was pregnant after taking her vitals and asking a few questions.

She was overjoyed to hear the good news as she had been trying for a child for the previous six years. She kept it to herself until she got home and figured it would make the perfect gift for her partner.

After making an appointment with the doctor, she returned home to find that several friends had already arrived. Her partner was in the corner talking to his friend as she looked around the room.

She quickly crossed the room and asked if they could have a private conversation. She tugged on his sleeve, indicating that she wanted to say something important, but he ignored her.

The OP’s friend asked her to wait five minutes as he ended the conversation with his friend. However, OP couldn’t wait to tell him about the pregnancy and did so in front of everyone because she was so excited to tell him.

She reported what happened next: “He got extremely angry and started yelling in my face about how I was trying to ruin his day and that today was supposed to be about him and not me.”

For the OP, his reaction was incomprehensible. She thought he would be as excited as she was, but he seemed to have other thoughts on his mind. He sent out a message to everyone else not to attend the party and told the attendees to leave.

After her lover ran out of the house and never came back, the woman shared her account on Reddit. She told her mother that she might have waited to tell her about the incident until after his birthday.

However, the Redditor warned: “[His reaction was incorrect] after reading the OP’s message. Hurry up, huge warning sign.”

A month later, the woman updated her Reddit viewers with another post. She revealed that 10 days after the incident, her lover returned home.

She found out that he had been looking for a way to break up with her for some time when she sat him down and discussed their relationship. He wanted to end the relationship because he was seeing another woman.

OP was shocked to hear his statement, but even more shocked that her partner was willing to give her anything in exchange for agreeing to abort their child. She recalled, “I said no. I told him that even though he may not want to be involved in my child’s life, I’m not going to get rid of my child.”

After hearing her answers, he gave her two weeks to gather her possessions and look for another place to live. She was lucky enough to move in with a co-worker who was looking for a roommate in another state.

After reading the update, many Redditors swarmed the comments area with questions. In response to asking if her boyfriend would pay child support, the OP said, “He says he’s going to sign away his parental rights when the baby is born, and he’s a huge idiot so he doesn’t realize he’s still going to have to pay child support, once I’ve gathered all my paperwork and submitted it.”

The individual also revealed that her partner was reluctant to tie the knot because, according to him, “marriage was something people had to do to prove their love.” She revealed that he stopped her from going to college because it was several hours away from their home.

She also admitted that the experience made her understand that rather than being a “doormat” for others to walk on, she needed to stand up for herself, but many around her were not comfortable with this awareness. She explained: “Some people in my life have said that I’ve changed from the ‘beautiful innocent’ person they knew before this whole stupid thing happened.”

Most Redditors felt her partner was guilty and sympathized with the OP.

They believed that he didn’t have to act like he wanted to have a child with her.

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byu/maddybirdy from discussion
byu/maddybirdy from discussion

In conclusion, this story highlights the unpredictability and emotional turbulence that can accompany major life events such as pregnancy. A woman’s journey of anticipation and joy at the news of her pregnancy took an unexpected and painful turn when her partner reacted with anger and finally revealed his infidelity. Her experience, which she shared openly on Reddit, attracted significant attention and support from the online community, highlighting the power of virtual solidarity in times of personal crisis. Despite betrayal and upheaval, the woman has shown remarkable resilience, choosing to keep her child and start over with the help of supportive friends and strangers. This narrative serves as a stark reminder of the importance of self-respect and the need to stand firm in one’s convictions, even in the face of adversity. It also illustrates the vital role online communities can play in providing advice, support, and a sense of belonging during difficult times. With her courage and determination, she not only dealt with a deeply challenging personal situation but also inspired many others who faced similar struggles.

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