During her husband’s funeral, a woman leans in to kiss him one last time, only to witness him blinking – Story of the Day

He blinks unexpectedly as a grieving widow bids her last farewell to her young, slain husband. While her husband Fred and his best friend went fishing, Nola Swart and her daughter Kelly enjoyed a mother-daughter weekend at a lakeside cabin. While they were both making cookies, her phone rang.

After cleaning her hands of flour, Nola picked up the phone. She was horrified to hear words other than Fred’s voice when she picked up the phone, even though the caller ID recognized the caller as his.

“Nola?” She recognized James’ voice from the phone call. This is James, Nolo. I’m sorry, but Fred has some experience.

“James?” Nola screamed as she felt a huge hand wrap around her heart. “What happened? Is Fred hurt?”

Fred’s best friend said gracefully, “No honey.” “I’m sorry, Nola, but you must have courage. Fred is no longer with us.”

“No!” Nola started crying. “James, give up!

That joke is really bad! “Stop! Stop!”

Huge, muscular James, Fred’s best friend since first grade, was crying like a baby, but Nola knew deep down that it wasn’t a joke. “Nolo, I’m sorry. I’m really sorry. He was standing next to me when he suddenly…disappeared.”

In a strange numb cloud, Nola called her mother and begged her to come and sit with Kelly. Later that day, Nola drove two hours over the mountains to meet James at the coroner’s office in a small town near their cabin.

With her arms around James’ shoulders, Nola remained motionless as the coroner lifted the white sheet to reveal Fred’s lifeless face. Nola could feel hot tears burning her cheeks.

“From what I can tell, Mr. Swart had a massive heart attack and died instantly,” according to the coroner, “However, I recommend that you have an autopsy performed by a pathologist…”

“Never,” cried Jenny. “Nobody’s gonna break my Fred.” May his soul rest in peace.”

The coroner spoke with a groan. “I understand, Mrs. Swart, yes. I’ll give you the death certificate so you can arrange the funeral.”

Nola felt uneasy. As for the funeral, Fred kept saying he wanted to be cremated. I want things to go according to his wishes.”

Nola’s relatives and other friends came the next day to say their last goodbyes to the lively, fun-loving young man they loved. James helped Nola arrange the return of Fred’s remains.

Nola asked the funeral director to leave the casket open so everyone could say their last goodbyes. One by one, the mourners came to the casket, said the last prayers, and said the last thing.

The priest spoke touchingly of Fred.

“As our hearts ache, as we mourn our loss, let us always remember that Fred has left this world for a better one and that he is now in the loving hands of his Father.”

The only thing we can rely on in this unpredictable existence is our faith.

Nola listened, her heart boiling with fury.

“Oh my god,” she muttered to her mother in a furious tone. If there was a god, Fred wouldn’t be lying cold in that box right now. God, God! “My child has no father for God’s sake!”

When the priest turned to Nola, a few people were staring at her and her mother was trying to calm her down. Nola pushed her mother’s hands away. Her sobs became more audible as she spoke. Are you all giving thanks to God? What do I tell my child? Ask Him! Could you tell him?

While Nola’s mother tried to comfort him, the funeral director and his assistant rushed to carry Fred’s coffin to the crematorium.

Nola broke away from her mother. She yelled, “Wait!” “Wait! I had to say goodbye to you.”

Nola stepped closer to the casket, bent down, and placed her trembling fingertips on Fred’s face. “I appreciate you…! I’ll always love you,” she whispered to him before pressing her last, heartfelt kiss to his forehead – the man she wished she’d shared her golden years with.

When Nola looked down at Fred, she saw something truly remarkable. Fred blinked. “I’m crazy, I want him so badly I’m hallucinating,” Nola said to herself.

But just as Fred’s eyelids twitched again, Nola shouted, “He’s alive!” God, God, God! Call 911!” The funeral director stepped closer, thinking Nola was only seeing through her grief as she watched the Fres open and close again.

He turned to his assistant and gave him permission to do anything, including calling 911 or getting a doctor!

Fred was moved from the casket to the ambulance and taken to the hospital with Nola by his side.

The doctor verified that Fred was still alive, but something had put him into a deep sleep that made the small village’s novice coroner think he had died.

After a series of tests, doctors concluded that Fred had been stung by a bee and appeared to be dead due to a severe allergic reaction to the venom.

Fortunately for Fred Nol, she declined a traditional burial—which would have required embalming—as well as an autopsy. Fred received medical attention as he recovered from his horrific experience.

A few days later he was back home and busy as ever, but Nola never got over her ordeal or the terrifying sight of him lying in his coffin. Nola considered it a miracle, a second chance given to their family by a loving God.

What can we learn from this story?

• Because life is unpredictable, the only thing we can rely on is trust. Until Jenny found herself suddenly widowed, she was on the verge of rejecting God until a miracle happened.

• Cherish the love you are in now because second chances are rare. Jenny and Dean experienced a terrifying event, yet it strengthened their love and trust in God.

Discuss this story with your friends. It could inspire them and brighten their day.

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In the midst of grief and final farewells, Nola Swart experienced a profound twist of fate that surpassed all expectations. What began as a heartbreaking funeral for her beloved husband, Fred turned into a miraculous revelation. As she leaned in to kiss him one last time, she saw him blink, a sign that he was still alive despite earlier conclusions. This extraordinary turn of events not only brought Fred back to life but also brought immense relief and new hope to Nola and their family.

The story of Fred’s unexpected awakening teaches us about resilience, faith, and the unpredictability of life. Nola’s unwavering love and determination played a key role in recognizing Fred’s life-threatening condition and getting him prompt medical attention. It emphasizes the importance of trusting one’s instincts and standing up for loved ones, even in moments of deep sadness and disbelief.

Additionally, the narrative emphasizes the power of miracles and second chances. For Nola and Fred, the event became a testament to their lasting bond and a reminder to cherish every moment together. It also serves as a reminder of the mysteries of life and the unexpected ways that hope and love can triumph in the face of adversity.

Finally, Fred’s wink at his own funeral not only defied medical odds but also renewed faith in the possibility of miracles. A testament to the resilience of the human spirit and the transformative power of love, it leaves a lasting impact on all who witnessed this remarkable event.

If this story has inspired you, please consider sharing it with others to spread hope and remind them of the extraordinary possibilities that can arise even in life’s darkest moments.

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