Fiancé’s Parents Reject Plus-Size Woman, Later Beg Her to Marry Their Son — Story of the Day

In a world where appearances often overshadow real characters, Ben’s story with Stephanie serves as a poignant reminder of the challenges and complexities they face in relationships, especially when confronted with parental expectations and societal norms.

From the very beginning, Ben was captivated by Stephanie’s inner beauty and genuine personality, qualities that transcended physical appearance. Although Stephanie didn’t fit his parents’ ideal idea of ​​a daughter-in-law, Ben was steadfast in his affection for her.

Ben fell in love with Stephanie when he first met her in college. He thought she was the most beautiful of the girls, even though she lacked an hourglass figure and the most gorgeous looks.

Two months into their courtship, Stephanie happily nodded to his marriage proposal, showing how much she was in love with him as well. Ben decided to invite Stephanie home for dinner and introduce her to his parents. But when a large woman entered their house with their son, his parents, Richard and Stella, frowned.

“Ben,” Stella murmured as Stephanie walked in and sat down on the couch in the living room. “Is she the girls’ mother?”

“What?” Ben furrowed his brows. “What on earth are you talking about Mom? That’s cruel! The girl I wanted to introduce to you and your dad is Stephanie and she is.”

BEN SHE’S TOO BIG! Stella reminded him firmly, “And that’s why she looks too old for her age.” “Do you really expect us to accept her as our daughter-in-law?”

“Mom!” Ben shouted. You don’t even know her! How can you just judge her? As he turned to leave, he whispered, “Please stop it!” with anger.

Stella and Richard were looking forward to seeing their son’s fiancée, but they didn’t expect this. His decision was perceived very differently by them. Instead of a couch potato, they meant a slim and graceful woman!

Stella was eating her dinner and staring at Stephanie as she reached for another slice of garlic bread and took another plate of spaghetti.

After a long moment of worried looks between Stella and Richard, Stella finally spoke.

She said, “Ben,” and put her fork down next to her plate. “IT HAS TO STOP…”

Ben stopped eating and gave her a confused look. “What’s wrong Mom?”

“You and this girl… We do not approve of your relationship!” Stella said. “We don’t mind if you stay friends, but your father and I cannot tolerate it!”

“You’re wasting your time here, Mr. and Mrs. Miller.

Ben and Stephanie were both shocked when Stephanie stopped eating. “Mrs. Miller, did I do something wrong? Ben and I value our relationship and…

“Sorry?!” Stella jumped to her feet and pushed the chair away. “Who gave you the right to interrupt my conversation with my son?”

Stephanie was getting emotional. “I didn’t mean to. I’m sorry.

“Sorry?” Stella glared at her. “Your excuses aren’t going to change anything! Are you wondering why I’m so angry? It’s because you’re just too big and if you keep eating this you’re going to deflate!” You don’t think you’re more food than my son!” at Stephanie who continued to cry. But Stella wasn’t done.

“You know what, how about we jump right in? You shouldn’t be a part of his life. Are you watching?


Ben was furious at that moment. “Mom! That’s just cruel! Stop making fun of her like that!”

His father cut him off and said, “Shut up, Ben!” “Don’t cross your mother in public! Have you lost your sense of etiquette?”

Ben could hardly believe his parents’ actions. However, Stephanie lost control of her tears and left without warning.

She said, “I’m sorry, Ben,” and turned to leave. “I didn’t know I was being called for that! I appreciate you INSULTING me like that.”

Ben was upset when Stephanie left. “Are you two really crazy? What just happened guys?”

Ben expressed his love for Stephanie and his desire to marry her exclusively, but his parents were not receptive. They actually threatened to cut him off financially if he married Stephanie because they still relied on him for money. Although Ben was willing to marry Stephanie, he eventually had to end their relationship.

When he told Stephanie that it happened between them, she cried. She pleaded, “Ben!” with tears in his eyes. “Avoid it… We can handle it.

We are able to act.”

“Steph, I’m sorry,” he said. “I hope you’ll forgive me one day…”

After his separation from Stephanie, Ben’s parents introduce him to Mia, the daughter of a family friend. She was petite, attractive, and stunning—everything Ben’s parents could have dreamed of in their future daughter-in-law. In Stella and Richard’s opinion, this was a great technique to distract from FAT Stephanie.

But Stephanie wasn’t like Mia at all. She was aloof, conceited, and haughty. Ben eventually broke up with her because he hated her.

His parents started yelling at him as soon as they found out. However, Ben was done.

He said, “Enough guys!” “My life is basically under your control! Like, I can’t even breathe without your permission! “It would be better if you just kicked me out,” he complained, turning to leave and slamming his bedroom door behind him.

Ben rarely spoke to Richard and Stella after that day and began to distance himself from them. In addition, he always seemed agitated.

It hurt so much for Richard and Stella when they finally realized that they were pushing their child away. They decide to visit Stephanie to atone for their misdeeds. Little did they know what awaited them.

Not expecting any guests, Stephanie was confused when she heard the doorbell that morning. Ben’s parents were on her porch, which scared her even more. The Millers, Mr. and Mrs.? Why are you in this place?”

Stella and Richard exchanged tense looks. Stella added, “We’re sorry for what happened last time.” “Now it’s clear to us that Ben could never love anyone the way he loves you. Please marry him and forgive us. We’re begging you.”

However, Stephanie refused. “I’m sorry Mr. and Mrs. Miller, but I won’t be seeing Ben again. If he really loved me, he wouldn’t have given me up, but rather fought for me.”

“But darling…”

She cut them off and said, “Mr. and Mrs. Miller, you’re wasting your time.” “I’m sorry, but I have someone in my life now…”

The young man was preparing breakfast when Stephanie opened the door further and Richard and Stella saw him. Stephanie revealed: “Tom and I have been together for a while and we’re happy.” “He and his people adore me even more for who I am. So please don’t ever hurt me again.”

When Stephanie said that, she locked the door tightly.

Although aware that they were somewhat responsible for their son’s suffering, Ben’s parents were unable to change the situation.

What lessons can we learn from this story?

Your children deserve the freedom to make their own decisions and be happy. Because Stephanie did not live up to Stella and Richard’s expectations, they broke up their relationship. Ben was very affected by their behavior and gradually distanced himself from them.

Inner beauty is what is truly beautiful. Eventually, Tom saw the beauty in Stephanie that Ben’s parents couldn’t see and was able to defend her. Stephanie has finally found someone who can accept her for who she is.

Finally, the story of Ben, Stephanie, and Ben’s parents highlights the complexities of love, acceptance, and parental expectations. Ben fell in love with Stephanie despite her parents’ initial disapproval of her appearance. Their insistence on superficial ideals strained Ben’s relationship with them, eventually leading to his decision to break up with Stephanie under their pressure.

Despite facing rejection and hurtful comments, Stephanie stayed true to herself and eventually found happiness with someone who appreciated her for who she was. This result underscores the importance of inner beauty and true acceptance in relationships.

Realizing their mistake, Ben’s parents try to reconcile with Stephanie, only to find that she has moved on and found someone who values ​​her and loves her unconditionally. This serves as a poignant reminder that parents’ expectations should not dictate their children’s happiness and choices.

Ultimately, the story encourages reflection on the impact of societal norms and personal biases on relationships and the importance of embracing individuals for their true selves. It challenges us to consider the consequences of rigid expectations and the transformative power of acceptance and unconditional love.

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