I Excluded My Mom from My Wedding After Discovering Why She Left Me Out of Hers

A wedding, a day that is often heralded as one of the most significant in a person’s life, can also bring unresolved issues and family conflicts to the fore. Intense emotions and high stakes can reveal underlying tensions and drive individuals to make decisions that are controversial and deeply personal. In this exploration, we delve into the stories of three individuals who faced with the decision of who to invite to their wedding, chose to exclude their mothers for reasons deeply rooted in their personal history and emotional landscape.

These decisions, often made after much deliberation and emotional turmoil, reflect the complexity of family dynamics and the impact of past actions on current relationships. Each Reddit story sheds light on the pain, betrayal, and healing that can occur when family bonds are tested by major life events like weddings.

Personal dilemmas and family feuds abound in the realm of Reddit, especially when wedding preparations are underway. Immerse yourself in three touching stories from individuals who chose not to invite their mothers to their weddings for deeply personal reasons.

The first story on Reddit involves a broken dream. The original poster (OP) recently revealed that when she was 13, she found out that her mother and her mother’s boyfriend were going to tie the knot. She was delighted with the couple and congratulated them.

OP remembered a promise her mother had made as a child, securing her a special place at her future wedding.

She revealed:

“Ever since I was a little girl, my mom always told me that I would be in her wedding and be the flower girl. That made me very happy.”

However, as the wedding approached, 14-year-old OP learned that she and her disabled brother would not be attending their mother’s wedding. Still, their aunt and uncle, including their stepfather’s children, were on the guest list.

OP was naturally devastated and cried about it. She asked her mother why she couldn’t be at her wedding. “Because we were ‘too young and needed a babysitter,'” her mother explained. After the wedding, OP decided not to speak to her mother for almost two weeks. This early wound led to a decision she made later that reflected the past.

Now the OP is almost 20 years old and about to walk down the aisle. She did not invite her mother to her own wedding, and her parent found out about the insult before the ceremony, leading to a “big fight” that cut off their communication.

In her post on Reddit, the OP asked fellow Redditors if she was wrong to retaliate. One user commented that it was her wedding, assuming there might be more to it than she let on and that’s why she doesn’t want her mother there.

The OP replied to the user’s comment saying that she really wanted her mother to be at her wedding, but because she hurt her feelings and ruined her dream as a child, she couldn’t let her come to hers.

In April 2023, a 27-year-old Reddit user shared her journey to an unconventional wedding. Her story is one of estrangement, as she revealed: “I haven’t lived with my mum since I was 16. We never had a good relationship and she wasn’t a very good mother to me.”

The absence of her mother’s presence in her life was filled by her partner’s mother.

Despite attempts to reconnect, OP faced continued criticism from her biological mother, which led to her decision not to invite her to the wedding.

She remained steadfast when her family called her out, saying: “My stepdad called me to say my mom was really upset… I told him I’m not changing my decision and if they show up, they won’t be allowed in.”

In January 2023, one other Reddit user, a 27-year-old man, described his broken family ties. “My parents divorced when I was 2. My mom remarried her current husband… I never got along with my mom or my stepdad,” OP revealed.

He described a childhood tainted by his mother’s affair and subsequent marriage, which led to a distant relationship with his significant other and half-siblings. His wedding plans reflected this deep-seated tension.

“I decided I didn’t want her whole family at my wedding,” OP said. This decision led to conflict when his mother pulled out of the wedding, only to later express her wish to attend. But the OP’s decision stood.

He revealed that she called him and was furious that his stepsister would be a bridesmaid at the wedding.

“She started screaming/crying so I just hung up,” OP said. His dad advised him to change his mind and show empathy to his mother. But he stood his ground, noting that his mother was fine with him not going to the wedding for months.

As for the OP, his stepmother supported him in every decision he made but felt sorry for his biological mother, so she suggested he include her in the wedding regardless of their circumstances.

Overall, the OPs were torn between forgiveness and remembrance, each choosing the path that best suits their emotional landscape.

Read more about three incredible stories about what mothers-in-law allowed themselves to do with their daughters-in-law’s wedding dresses.

Betrayal of the wedding dress


The woman shared her shock and dismay on the Reddit platform, recounting the incident that struck at the heart of her wedding preparations. The center of the dispute? A $3,000 wedding gown, the symbol of her dreams of a perfect wedding day, turned into an unexpected betrayal.

The drama started innocently enough when her fiance’s mother showed an unusual interest in trying on a wedding dress. Despite the bride-to-be’s refusal, the mother-in-law insisted, even offering cash as a bizarre form of loan. The situation escalated when the woman returned home to find her fiancé acting suspiciously and blocking her way into their bedroom. Her instincts led her to investigate, but she discovered her future mother-in-law dressed in her pristine wedding dress.

In response to the audacity of the act, the original poster (OP) captured the moment with a photo and used it as evidence to demand a refund for a new dress. However, her fiancé’s reaction was far from welcoming. He accused her of overreacting, sparking a fiery row that saw the mother-in-law in tears and the fiance defending the mother’s “harmless” desire.


Feeling insulted and disgusted, the bride-to-be stood her ground and claimed that the wedding dress was sacred, meant only for the bride. This attitude led to a deepening rift between her and her fiancé, which deepened when her own family suggested that she might overreact and risk her relationship with her fiancé and his mother over the dress.

The situation turned absurd when her fiance proposed a “solution” that involved him paying for the dress, coupled with a series of demands: an apology to her mother, the deletion of the incriminating photo, and a temporary hiatus from social media. These conditions put the woman in a dilemma as she was unwilling to accept financial compensation from her fiance and was adamant that the responsibility lay with his mother.

This wedding dress saga resonated deeply with the Reddit community.

Readers rallied around the bride-to-be, offering support and validating her feelings of betrayal and shock.

Wedding Wars: When the mother-in-law’s vision collides with the bride’s dream dress

In another startling revelation, the woman, 33, took to the Reddit forum “AITA” in September 2022 to share her story and ask for advice. She revealed that she and her fiance (28) were preparing for a December wedding. However, she faced increasing challenges mainly because of her MIL’s future involvement in the wedding preparations.

Despite her MIL being described as generally nice but somewhat intrusive, tensions grew and the wedding planning went downhill. The OP noted that her future MIL made things complicated by not being willing to agree on most things.

The situation escalated so much that her fiance got involved. He sided with his parent by insisting that OP, as his mother’s only son, should respect and appreciate the “vision” she had for the marriage and how she wanted it to unfold.

The turning point came when the MIL-to-be insisted on accompanying OP to shop for her wedding dress and joined her mother and friends. During this shopping excursion, the soon-to-be bride found a gown that resonated with her.

However, her fiancé’s mother had a different vision in mind. The elderly woman chose the dress, claiming it was the one she had always imagined her son’s bride wearing. But her words made the OP’s friends and family feel uneasy.

Despite feeling uncomfortable with the older woman’s choice, the OP politely expressed her gratitude for her input but explained that she had already envisioned a different dress for herself. Her answer did not sit well with the older woman, who shared her disappointment with her son.

When the bride-to-be returned home, her fiance confronted her about making his mother feel rejected and left out of the dress selection process. An argument ensued where the fiance insisted that the OP reconsider wearing her mother’s dress, arguing that the two weren’t that different.

The OP strongly disagreed and pointed out the significant differences between the two gowns. The argument eventually died down, but tensions remained high.

Things took a turn for the worse when the bride-to-be returned home one day to find that her chosen wedding dress had been replaced by the one preferred by her MIL-to-be.

Her fiance admitted to the change but explained his belief that the OP should give the new one a chance.

Overcome with rage, she yelled at him and left to stay with her friend.

Determined to sort things out, her fiance claimed her response was over the top, pointed out that it was his wedding too, and urged her to give the new dress a chance.

He insisted that his mother had good intentions and her desire to see OP in a dress of her choice. OP’s mother was furious and wished to confront her future son-in-law and his mother; however, her husband advised against it, fearing it would damage any relationship they had with their future in-laws.

He suggested that the OP go along with the groom’s mother’s wish to keep the peace. Frustrated and looking for advice, the Redditor asked the online community if her reaction was justified. Fortunately, many users recognized the MIL-to-be as a classic control freak and also noted that the fiancé was no better off as he failed to defend his wife-to-be.

The decision to exclude a family member from a wedding, as drastic as it may seem, underscores a larger dialogue about respect, reconciliation, and the limits of forgiveness. Whether caused by past hurts, as in the case of the woman who was excluded from her mother’s wedding, or ongoing conflicts, as seen in other accounts, these decisions often carry significant emotional weight and long-term consequences for family relationships.

For those embarking on the journey of marriage, these stories also underscore the importance of communication and setting clear expectations with all parties involved. They serve as cautionary tales that emphasize the need for couples to create a path that honors their values ​​and those of their loved ones without compromising their own happiness and well-being.


Ultimately, these stories aren’t just about the drama surrounding wedding invitations; they are about a deeper search for affirmation, understanding, and respect within family relationships. They challenge us to reflect on our actions and to consider the profound impact they can have on the fabric of our family life. When navigating these waters, it is essential to strive for decisions that promote harmony and healing and ensure that the celebration of connection does not lead to permanent discord.

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