I Shouted ‘I Don’t!’ at My Wedding After a Conversation with the Groom’s Mother Nearly Sabotaged Everything

Before we dive into the tumultuous events that unfolded on Hanna and Ryan’s wedding day, let’s go back to the very beginning of their love story—one marked by coincidence, romance, and unexpected challenges that tested their bond in ways they never imagined.

It all began one crisp fall evening at the local community theater, a place buzzing with anticipation and the buzz of opening night excitement. An ardent supporter of the arts, Hanna came to support her friend Mila, who was directing her first musical. The night was supposed to be all about celebrating Mila’s success, but it quickly took a turn that neither Hanna nor Ryan could have predicted.

Ryan and Hanna are about to tie the knot and commit to each other after years of courtship that began with a chance meeting. However, Hanna is devastated when Ryan’s mother shows her an embarrassing video of Ryan with another woman. Later, however, Hanna discovers more duplicates than she could have imagined in connection with the truth of the video.

Do parents just like revealing shocking information before the wedding? When I say before, do you mean half an hour before?

Because Ryan’s mother actually did.

When Ryan and I first crossed paths two years ago, it was quite a coincidence. Because one of my friends, Míla, was directing her first local musical, I was in a community theater.

And there I was after the show, standing outside with a bouquet for Mila. Ryan left and walked right into me and broke the flowers for the crowd.

He grabbed the bouquet and exclaimed, “I’m so sorry.”

“I hate crowds,” I said.

With a laugh, he motioned for us to back away from the door.

He admitted, “I’m not a fan either.” “I’m Ryan.

“Hanna,” I said, introducing myself.

Ryan proposed to me in a pub three months into our relationship over crispy potato skins and Guinness.

We should have sealed that promise with our wedding vows last week. However, our wedding took a completely different direction than it should have.

My family embraced Ryan wholeheartedly at first. My parents were extremely happy that I found someone who really made me happy, especially since I was their only daughter.

One evening, when we brought Ryan to a family dinner, my mother remarked, “This is a different side to you, Hanna.”

My father said with a smile, “He makes her happy.”

“That’s all a father could ask for.

Making Ryan feel welcome and the kindness they showed him made us stronger as a couple.

It was very similar on his side. The Coles welcomed me into their home and hearts and their only goal was to host us as much as they could.

Audrey, and Mrs. Cole, also developed manicures and coffee dates with me.

Everything seemed right – until it wasn’t.

Before our wedding, I was perfectly balanced. Ryan and I meticulously planned our small church wedding down to the last detail.

We were well aware of our preferences and how to tailor everything to our special day.

However, my soon-to-be mother-in-law called me aside right before the ceremony on what was supposed to be the happiest day of my life.

“Honey,” she said. “Can we talk for a moment?”

I nodded at her and told her to hold on until my makeup artists and hair stylists finished.

Her behavior made me feel uneasy and worried. I watched her movements while looking at my image in the mirror.

Her gaze quickly darted around the room and often rested on my wedding dress hanging on a hook.

When I was ready, I turned to Audrey and my mom was buttoning up my dress.

I smiled at her and replied, “I’m ready when you are.”

When she saw that I was wearing clothes, her eyes glazed over.

Audrey and my mother had attended my previous fittings, but this was the first time they had witnessed the full impact of my wedding dress.

“Hannah,” Audrey said. “There’s no easy way for me to say it.

My heart pounded in my chest. I knew our talk wasn’t going to result in anything positive as I sat watching her while my hair was done.

“Just say it,” I ordered. “Tell me.”

Audrey reached into her purse and pulled out her phone to show me.

“This phone has movies to walk you through everything. Hanna, I’m really sorry, but Ryan needs to be exposed.”

My thoughts were racing. When her phone was unlocked, I had no idea what I was about to witness.

A woman’s voice floated across the room, “Here,” she murmured, handing me her phone.

The recordings on Audrey’s phone showed that Ryan was secretly in love with another woman – clear betrayal.

“Are you sure?” I asked. “It is he?”

Audrey closed her eyes and took a deep breath.

“Well, look at the jacket on the bed,” she replied.

“Isn’t he the one you got him?”

After pressing play again, I looked at the jacket.

Besides, the hotel room had a familiar look; I was sure we had been there before.

“But Ryan’s face is not in the frame,” | he answered.

I was in trouble. My almost mother-in-law was there in front of me with the tape exposing her son’s adultery and I couldn’t believe it.

“Hannah,” she murmured. It’s right in front of you. You can choose to ignore it, but if you do, consider the man you would marry. Knowing this, could you live with yourself? Could you coexist with him?”

I shook my head. I was so devastated I wanted to cry.

“Okay,” he said

“Are you calling off the wedding?” Audrey asked, her voice full of optimism.

“No,” I replied. “I intend to continue down that lane.

I will go to the man I thought was mine. And then I’ll end it when it’s time for our vows.”

Audrey put the phone back in her purse and mumbled, “Okay, honey.” “It’s almost time anyway.

When the time came for me to marry Ryan, I sat on the recliner and waited for my father to come get me. All I wanted to do was jump in my car and head somewhere where I could eat a pile of fries and forget about my feelings.

Heart pounding wildly, I followed my father’s arm to the altar.

Ryan smiled kindly at me, feeling the fury building up under my skin. He squeezed my hand and took it.

If only he wasn’t with someone else, it would be a dream come true.

Our priest continued by quoting passages from the Bible that deal with marriage and love. And when it came time to exchange vows, my heart finally settled as I realized what was about to happen.

“I don’t,” I said dumbly, speaking to Earth rather than Ryan.

The priest said, “Hannah, speak.”

“I do not!” As I spoke with more confidence, my remarks reverberated like a loud shock wave.

When I said those two words one more time, Ryan’s surprise turned to confusion.

“Hannah? What?” he asked, his voice filled with pain and betrayal.

“Ask Mom,” I added, pointing at Audrey.

“Mrs. Cole, please tell everyone what you told me before.”

The church immediately fell silent as if everyone was holding their breath. She pulled her phone out of her bag with shaking hands. She held it out to me like before.

“Look,” I said to Ryan.

Ryan took a step back and almost fell over the wedding arch.

He cried loudly, “It’s not me, Hanna!”

“Hanna, you know it’s not me!” I looked away from him.

“Mom, what’s going on here? What is this? How did you get that video?”

Audrey shook her head and turned to leave the church and disappear down the aisle.

The sound of Ryan’s excuses was unbearable to me.

“Please, Hanna,” he said. “I need you to trust me.

And I wanted it. Of course, I wanted to trust the man I loved. It was obvious though – in the video the jacket I got him was lying across the bed. He was with another person.

And how would he explain the footage if it turned out he wasn’t with someone else? And the girl who was wearing very little? What about sound effects?

I said, “I can’t do that.” “I won’t.”

My parents left the side door behind and followed close behind me.

Ryan kept contacting me for the rest of the day so when night fell I blocked his number.

But two days later Ryan came to my parents with food and flowers and I was huddled under a blanket wondering where it all went.

“Do you expect it to fix everything?” I answered.

“I just need to talk,” he said.

Despite my better judgment, I listened.

Ryan’s next revelation sent me into another twist.

He became close to Audrey after the wedding.

He replied, “I went straight to her house.” “She was sitting there in her kitchen, eating toast and listening to old records, like she hadn’t just ruined our wedding.

He blurted out, “I think you did,”

“Hannah,” he pointed out. “My mother made that video. Her students are in it.

And the reason for all this was her dislike of our marriage.”

My mouth dropped to the floor.

Audrey taught high school but also tutored first-year college English students.

She got really nervous when she realized that Ryan and I were about to tie the knot. Too eager to earn a little extra money, she recruited two of her college students for the role.

I said “I thought she liked me” as I started to eat the food Ryan brought. “Obviously not when she put the whole video together.

“She said the sounds were edited,” Ryan laughed uncomfortably. “But I have to hand it to her, adding my jacket was a good idea.

I was not aware of my feelings. Ever since I left my own wedding two days ago, I’ve convinced myself that Ryan is the villain in my story. that his mother exposed him for what he was and that he was the villain that broke my heart.

But the truth was much worse.

She was the woman who broke my heart to marry her son before claiming me as the daughter she never had.

She thought Ryan wasn’t worthy of me.

I accused Ryan of cheating on me in front of our visitors, but he immediately forgave me and I did the same in return.

Even though we are still together, I have no idea what the future may hold. Right now I feel cheated and hurt by Audrey. Moreover, I am aware that it will be difficult to forgive.

how would you answer

Here is one more fairy tale for you. “The groom is the father of my child!” Just before the vows are exchanged, a very pregnant woman dressed in shabby clothes interrupts the wedding.

Chaos ensues as the woman collapses to the ground while holding her protruding belly and gives birth at the groom’s feet.

Although romanticized for artistic purposes, this work draws inspiration from real individuals and events. Names, characters, and details have been changed for privacy and story enhancement. Any resemblance to actual people, living or dead, or actual events is entirely coincidental and not intended by the author. 

Hanna and Ryan’s story ultimately became a testament to the power of love and forgiveness. She emphasized the importance of tackling challenges together and the strength that comes from overcoming adversity as a united front. Tested by fire, their love proved stronger and more enduring than ever.

For those who find themselves in similar situations, Hanna and Ryan’s journey offers a glimmer of hope. It reminds us that even in the darkest of times, love can light the way and lead us to a future full of promise and new beginnings.

If you liked this fairy tale, you might also like this one about a store worker who fires an old woman dressed poorly, only to return to the owner’s car. And remember, life often throws us curveballs, but it’s how we handle them that determines our true character and the strength of our relationships.

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