I\’m in Love with a Homeless Guy – Story of the Day

Monica had a beautiful home, a thriving business, and a handsome lover, but none of these things could ever replace the hole in her heart. Before a chance encounter with a homeless man in an elevator, she was just sleepwalking through life.

Damian, Monica’s boyfriend, winced as he and the homeless man knocked on the building’s elevator. His stench will linger, ugh. How did he even get there?” Damian grunted loudly.

Even after the tramp apologized hastily, Damian remained angry.

“Come up the stairs with me. That elevator is dirty now,” he urged.

As Damian left, Monica shook her head and entered the elevator.

Damian was furious about his work when he returned to their apartment. “Why didn’t you put in a good word for me, Monica?” he said. “How long is my wait for a promotion? I’ve held out for a few months.”

“Damien, I advised you to be patient. Things-” The neighbor interrupted their chat by banging on the door, displeased with the homeless man wanting to see Monica. Damian was rude once again when the unfortunate man arrived at their home. “Get the hell away! How dare you visit us?”

When the homeless man said he was trying to find his backpack, Monica rushed inside to get it for him. When she discovered him in the elevator, she carried him with her. “Miss, thank you very much.

The man stated, “Everything I need is here,” as he picked up the bag and felt a sense of relief. “Everything, uh, my food is here.

Monica felt uneasy about something.

She was sure the bag was empty because it felt too light. “Please give us a few minutes to wait here.” She said, “I’ll be right back,” and headed for the kitchen.

I saw Damian roll his eyes in the kitchen.

“The guy isn’t getting our food, is he? You made contact with his luggage!”

Jesus! You still have germs on your hands!”

“Why do you have to be so mean?” She shouted and packed some food. “Stop it, Damian, will you?”

She gave food to a homeless person and ignored Damian.

I haven’t received such kindness from anyone in a long time. I’m grateful,” the man added. Their eyes met for a long moment, and Monica’s heart was inexplicably tugged at it.

Why don’t I want him to leave? Why do I want him to stay here? what is happening to me She thought, her mind racing with thoughts she wasn’t quite sure how to interpret.

“It’s the least I can do,” she said finally.

The man thanked her once more before turning to leave. Closing the door, Monica felt a strange sense of sadness as she watched him leave.

I wanted to grab him and hug him. I wanted him to be happy. It was an overwhelming wish to comfort him, to give him a haven of safety from his storm of grief.

The next day, she unexpectedly ran over a homeless person in the hallway. He thanked her for her consideration and apologized for shocking her.

“What you did… it helped me a lot.

Monica shrugged and turned to leave, but the man stopped her. “I just wanted to help,” Monica said.

“I have something important to tell you. I noticed, ‘He hesitated. I saw your friend with another woman saying he plans to leave you and get you fired after you get promoted on your recommendation,” he said.

Monika was startled. She asked, “Why are you doing this to me?”

Monica cried, realizing how familiar it was to be disappointed. She barely muttered, “I’m so tired of this,” and looked straight at him. “I had a boy at school who only copied my coursework. Another one at college asked me to fill in for him when he wasn’t there. Damian too – it’s the same old story. But please, I don’t want to be alone, I’m not sure.”

“I felt you should know,” said the man with a serious face. “I didn’t mean to startle you. He said, ‘I’m sorry,’ and started to walk away, but Monica stopped him when she saw how sincere his apology was and how much he wanted to help her.

She called, “Wait!” “Please enter the building.

You can take a shower and wash a little.

When Monica was preparing lunch for the homeless, she felt uncomfortable. She was still confused as to why she had let a stranger into her house.

Suddenly, dressed only in a towel, he came out of the restroom looking disoriented. He looked around, “Um, do you have anything I can take?”

Monica couldn’t help but notice how attractive he looked. After a thorough wash and shave, he was simply too seductive to ignore.

She pointed to the robe that was hanging and said, “Y-yes, there’s a robe you can use,” she surprised him.

“Feeling a bit cozy, aren’t I?” he laughed as he returned to his robe. They laughed at his joke and the atmosphere relaxed.

Then they gave their names: he was Harry and she was Monica. They ate mostly in relative silence, but it was a nice kind of silence. Subsequently, Monika was attracted by his large backpack.

Harry’s expression darkened. “It belonged to my daughter… I couldn’t save her from drowning. After hearing his depressing story, Monica was moved to offer him comfort.

Harry got up after dinner to help clean up. He turned to the sink and said, “Let me take care of the dishes.”

Monica followed, intending to stop him, but their hands accidentally met as they both reached for the plate. A moment seemed to pass between them, but the moment was interrupted when the doorbell rang.

Damian burst in excitedly.

He wanted to know “Why did you fire me?”

“What did you expect after all the sneaky things you’ve been doing, Damian?” Monika shot back.

That’s when a confused Harry entered. Damian suddenly became furious with him and yelled at Monica, “You cheated on him? What was the reason you called me so urgently in the evening and had me fired?”

Monica remained calm, Harry by her side. Calmly, “Harry just revealed your true colors to me.” “You’re the one who tricked me!”

Damian made fun of her. Did you let him into our house? You’re stupid.

Harry stepped forward to support Monica. “Back off and don’t talk to her like that!”

Monica was hoping Damian would stay out of her life as he ran off laughing.

After Damian left, Monica and Harry curled up on the couch with a glass of wine. Harry raised his glass and said, “Cheers to your bright future.”

Monica smiled and gently clinked her glass with his. “And we are in this beautiful moment.

They grew closer as they talked and a quick kiss turned into something more.

They had an intimate night together in Monica’s bedroom before they knew it.

Harry sat in her bed the next morning feeling sorry for himself. “Maybe we rushed it last night. I don’t see how we could work this out since our worlds are so different,” he added, feeling bad.

“It doesn’t matter if we disagree. Monica replied, “It’s you that matters to me,” but Harry shook his head.

Monica moved to block his path as he tried to leave. “After last night, you can’t just turn away. Please, she begged, stay. Harry was powerless against her. He finally nodded.

He said, “Okay, I’ll stay a little longer, at least until I figure out my next steps,” and they kissed to make the decision official.

Harry’s words helped Monica feel a little lighter as she entered the office. However, the atmosphere at work was strange, with lots of whispers and laughter.

“Monika, is it true that you are sleeping with a homeless man?” Her co-worker Cara exploded.

Then Mike from Sales approached with a sly smile. “I heard you took in a homeless man and used him as a servant, keeping him in his underwear in your apartment to meet all your needs. That’s good for you, but isn’t it a bit… impure?” ?

Monica’s secretary Lisa also seems concerned. “Monica, how are you?” “Are these rumors somehow true?” she asked quietly.

Monica confides in Lisa and reveals her true relationship with Harry. But Lisa warned her, remembering Monica’s hasty forays into previous romances. Monica was aware of Damian’s gossip. But she didn’t care.

She knew Harry adored her.

However, one day she returned home to find her apartment unoccupied.

Her jewels from the vault, her inheritance, and her savings were gone. Harry disappeared, taking Monica’s faith with him.

I decided at that moment that I would never expose myself to such vulnerability again and never give my heart to anyone else. I felt like love came at too high a price and I was sick of being used and thrown away like trash.

After four years…

Monica sat down on a park bench in a quiet town. She made some really smart business moves that drastically changed her fortunes. She now enjoyed the luxury of being a part-time consultant to a prestigious corporation.

She knew that voice all too well. “Monica!” Harry was there, but he looked different because he was wearing a fancy suit.

Harry commented, “I’m so glad I found you,” an emotion in his eyes that Monica wasn’t quite sure how to interpret. And he continued with sincerity, “I’ve been looking for you for three years.”

Monica’s astonishment quickly gave way to anger.

“I was looking for you too,” she shouted, “but only to arrest you for theft!”

Harry stopped smiling. He blurted out, “I didn’t take anything from you,” trying to dispel the main misconception. he was in your house when Damian and a few other people arrived.

They took everything. They knocked me down when I tried to stop them. When I woke up, I was in the hospital and didn’t remember anything. I have not been well for a long time. You had already left the apartment when I quickly went looking for you.”

Monica calmed down more and began to understand the whole narrative. She said, “I had to move.” “The place was not good for children.

Harry was confused but before he could continue a young lady with blonde hair and vivid blue eyes ran up to him. She hugged Monica tightly and addressed her, “Mom.”

“Harry, this is Jasmine,” Monica introduced herself.

“And… is yours.

Harry lost it all and dropped to his knees with tears in his eyes. “I… I find it unbelievable. “I’ve been trying to find you, Monika,” he stumbled, reaching out to touch Jasmine but stopping as if afraid she might disappear.

Monika watched him with a broken heart. After calling the nanny to remove Jasmine, she turned back to Harry. “Harry, things aren’t the same. I had to toughen up because of Jasmine,” she said. However, I will not prevent you from meeting her. She handed him the card and added, “Here’s my number,” before turning to leave.

Harry ran over to her and gently took her hand. “I appreciate you allowing me to be a part of Jasmine’s life,” he said. It’s everything to me. And I want you to know that you have always been my priority. Not even once. Even though I believed I would never see you again, I loved you every day,” he remarked.

Monica turned to him and her eyes softened when she saw his sincerity.

“Monika, I will not give up on you even now. I am ready to go to any cost to win back your affection.”

As the evening light faded, Monica experienced a glimmer of hope.

Maybe, just maybe, they would be able to reconnect.

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Monica’s journey has been turbulent, marked by betrayals and heartbreaks that have made her fear love and trust. Meeting Harry, a homeless man who turns out to be her true savior, changes her life in ways she never expected. Despite misunderstandings and a painful separation, fate brought them back together and revealed the depth of their true connection. Harry’s return, armed with the truth and his unyielding love for Monica and their daughter Jasmine, offered a chance for redemption and healing.

Standing at the crossroads of her past and future, Monica was faced with a crucial decision. The emotional scars from Harry’s apparent betrayal were deep, but the sincerity in his eyes and the unwavering love he professed for her and their daughter touched a part of her heart that she had long protected. Monica knew that protecting Jasmine was paramount, but she also recognized the potential for a new beginning, not only for herself but for their family.

In the soft light of evening, Monica felt a renewed sense of hope. She saw in Harry’s eyes the man who had once offered her a glimmer of genuine care and warmth, the man who had now pledged to be there for her and their daughter unconditionally. It wasn’t just about rekindling an old flame, it was about building a future based on truth, love, and mutual respect. Monica realized that even though the road ahead might be difficult, the opportunity to create a stronger and more durable bond was worth the risk.

With a heart full of cautious optimism, Monica decided to give Harry a chance to prove himself. She understood that healing takes time and that restoring trust requires patience and effort. However, she was willing to open her heart again, not just to Harry, but to the family they could become. Monica and Harry’s story is a testament to the power of forgiveness and the resilience of love, reminding us that even after the darkest times, hope and love can lead us to a brighter and more fulfilling future.

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