Millionaire’s Son Evicts Wife and Infant, Forfeits Inheritance the Following Day – Today’s Story

Alice’s suffering underscores the dramatic denouement and eventual renaissance in her life after suffering betrayal and deception. Her marriage to Lucas was built on shaky foundations from the start, rooted in coercion rather than affection. The revelation of his true motives was a rude awakening for Alice, forcing her to face the harsh reality of her relationship and the illusion of love clouding her judgment.

The unexpected intervention of George, the newfound brother she never knew she had, marked a major turning point in her life’s narrative. This discovery not only reshaped her understanding of the past but also redefined her future by connecting her to the family she lost before she had a chance to know them. Meeting George brought both a shock of family ties and the hope of newfound support, giving Alice the courage to redefine her trajectory.

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Lucas decides to go to court and marry the young maid Alice after receiving an ultimatum from his parents. However, he persisted in his crazy ways until a violent altercation with Alice. His parents were about to talk some sense into him when he threw her and their child out. That’s when an unexpected person appeared in Lucas’ shed.

“Lucas, I’m at breaking point! You can’t just spend your nights outside! We’re having a baby!” Despite having a newborn in the house, Alice’s husband seemed to be out every night, so she yelled at him. “Please stop talking! Do you really believe I married you for… well, love?” Lucas spoke with contempt. “Don’t be crazy!”

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“What subject are you talking about? We dated and got married because we loved each other,” Alice remarked, looking confused by her husband’s claims. “Hey, Alice! Are you crazy? You worked as my housekeeper! Do you really think that maid would fool me? Now,” Lucas yelled, waving his arms.

“Then why? Why did we tie the knot?” “Because I have to! | I have to! My parents threatened to cut me off completely if I didn’t get married and start a family.” Lucas matter-of-factly, as if his remarks weren’t the most damaging thing he could have said to his wife. It was devastating, but he was telling the truth.

Lucas’ parents, Mr. and Mrs. Johnson, had a serious conversation with him two years ago. They had had enough of their son acting like a party animal. He was now thirty-two years old and had never worked before. Although he held a prominent position in their Forbes 500 company, he never did anything. Mrs. Johnson wanted children and Mr. Johnson was getting old and needed a legitimate heir.

Meanwhile, Alice has fallen deeply in love with Lucas and worked for the Johnson family for two years. Even though she tried to hide it, he saw it. After a serious talk with Lucas, the Johnsons gave him a date. He had to get married and start a family within a year, or he would lose his job at the company, be cut off from his parents, and be kicked out of the large penthouse he lived in.

Lucas had a dilemma. Besides their maid, he didn’t know anyone he could marry so soon that he wouldn’t mind. She was quiet, submissive, and totally cooperative. Alice took his words to heart and they started dating soon after. Although the Johnsons doubted the relationship, Lucas’ behavior pleased them.

Three months after they started dating, he proposed to Alice and they married immediately. They were ecstatic that they now had a boy and his parents were overjoyed. They even bought him an even bigger house for his family. And now Alice was so focused on the baby that she was blind to what was happening right in front of her eyes.

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Lucas never changed his behavior. He kept his playboy persona but was more subdued about it. Alice only noticed that Lucas was out practically every night, so she decided to talk to her husband.

Alice didn’t know what to make of his unexpected revelation that their relationship had been a sham from the beginning. “This is a real situation! I walked around the most beautiful women in the world and I was born with a golden spoon.” Did you really think I’d check out my people’s maid? Are you really that unintelligent? You were just the easiest solution to the problem! “I wasn’t on a ‘business trip,'” he added, quoting the last sentence with his fingers. “I’ve been to Dubai, St. Barts, Fiji, and everywhere else with Victoria’s Secret models.”

Alice burst into tears at that moment and Lucas gave her the most superior look imaginable. Oh, now you’re sobbing. For God’s sake! What do you know? You don’t bother me anymore.

Leave my house immediately! I am about to file for divorce. I’m going to argue that we didn’t work out, and my parents won’t mind someone like you when they have the grandson they’ve always wanted.” Lucas pointed a finger at the front door and bellowed.

“Fine!” Alice cried and screamed. “But I’m taking my son with me!” “Whatever,” Lucas remarked sarcastically. Alice picked up her bag and the child’s car seat and set off. The Johnsons had given her a brand-new car for her previous birthday, but she had nowhere to drive it.

The Johnsons were the only family she had growing up in the orphanage. Johnson’s mansion in the suburbs of Manhattan was the place that came to mind. However, they would ask about things. Questions she didn’t want to answer.

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Unfortunately, she was out of alternatives. Alice told Mrs. Johnson that she and Lucas had a fight, but withheld the details. Mrs. Johnson greeted Alice. She could stay the night, the older woman offered sympathetically. She was actually happy to have more time to spend with the baby.

Alice, don’t worry. As they ate dinner, Mr. Johnson stated, “Tomorrow we will go to your apartment and talk about my son.” Alice just smiled. Returning there was nothing she was excited about.

*** “I know you two had a fight, Alice, but married couples do that all the time.

Come on. At the front door of the penthouse, Mrs. Johnson called, “Open the door and let’s go in.” Alice was forced inside even though she didn’t want to.

Mr. Johnson was also present, and although they were unsure of the details of the fight, they planned to discipline their son for it.

When Alice finally got her keys out and unlocked the door, she saw Lucas talking to a man of a similar age.

When he turned around, something was familiar.

Lucas suddenly raised his voice in an uneasy manner. “Look at her, George.

This is my son and my wife, Alice. Of course, you know my father.”

“My boy, George Feinberg! “How are you?” Mr. Johnson greeted the familiar stranger, and they all seemed to know each other. “My dear, allow me to introduce you to Henry Finberg’s son, George.”

“Of course! I’m grateful to have met you,” remarked the older lady.

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But Alice did not look away from her husband. He was acting strange and sweating. It was different than when she had imagined before that he might be nervous now that his parents were here. The presence of a familiar stranger in their home worried him.

“Mr. Johnson, nice to meet you, and nice to meet you, too, Mrs. Johnson. “My father always told me wonderful things about you,” George said kindly, keeping his eyes on Alice.

Naturally, one of my oldest friends is your father. But why are you in this place?” asked Mr. Johnson.

George said, “Actually, I’m here to see Alice,” to which Alice frowned.

“What?” Alice asked, clutching her baby tightly in her arms.

To the surprise of everyone around him, he added, “Hi, my name is George and I’ve been looking for you all my life.”

She squealed, “Why?”

“Because you’re my sibling. You were taken from us when you were tiny by a driver in our house and the police had no luck finding you at all. It was years before we looked. The P.I.s we hired weren’t able to.” find you too until I saw your photo in the paper, that is, you published the photo along with the birth announcement of your son Alice.

“Oh my God! George, are you telling the truth?”

Are you implying that my daughter-in-law is the daughter of one of my close friends?

That is fantastic news. Mr. Johnson smiled and cheered. However, Lucas didn’t smile and looked more anxious than before.

It was then that Alice knew the Finbergs had to be at least as strong as the Johnsons. If they were close friends, chances were they were also business associates and members of Manhattan’s elite society. Lucas was worried that Alice would do something at this point.

Actually, Mr. Johnson, the news is not so good. Since I was here last night, I can honestly say that what I heard was the worst thing I have ever heard. And I’m shocked at what your son did to my little sister,” said George, looking grimly at Mr. Johnson.

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Mrs. Johnson cut him off and said, “They just had a fight.” Mr. Johnson turned to Lucas who was practically hiding in the corner.

“Didn’t you tell them what your husband said to you last night, Alice?” George asked her directly.

“Well, not at all. I was pressed for time. I’ve been trying to process it and I’m currently trying to process what you just told us. Is it accurate? I’m your sibling, right? Having a family excited and confused Alice.

“What did you say to Alice, Lucas?” Mr. Johnson asked his son sternly.

However, Lucas shook his head so George decided to be honest with him. Mr. and Mrs. Johnson were surprised when he finished. The older woman burst into tears and Alice’s adoptive brother spoke once more.

“They were screaming right outside the front door and I heard them. So, you see. I can’t have my little sister living here. Alice, do you want to meet our parents? He said, ‘I can help you divorce this loser.'” “Oh, my dad won’t be too happy about that.”

Mr. Johnson pursed his lips furiously and sent another hard look at his son. Alice was shocked to find out that her husband was a coward because Lucas had been silent the whole time. She therefore decided to take full ownership of her life now. “I’d like to meet our parents. I want them to adore their grandchildren too.”

George nodded with a smile. “He’s going crazy. In a positive way, of course.”

Alice followed George, still holding the baby in her arms, waving uneasily at Mr. and Mrs. Johnson.

She appreciated having caring people in her life, even though the reunion with her parents was bittersweet. Predictably, when George revealed to Mr. Finberg the reason why Alice married Lucas Johnson, he became enraged. He almost constantly threatened business relations. But since Mr. and Mrs. Johnson were always kind to her, Alice was able to talk him out of it.

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After Alice got used to her parents and real family a few weeks later, she filed for divorce and asked for sole custody of her child. Since Lucas didn’t fight for it, he was granted. She really adored Mr. and Mrs. Johnson and was granted visitation rights. When Mr. Johnson revealed that Lucas had lost his job at the company and was no longer receiving any financial support, they also repaired their relationship with the Finbergs.

Alice was now as content as she could be. Her new family loved her son and she was free of hurtful remarks from her ex-husband.

She also found a small amount of joy in Lucas’ struggles and independence. But eventually, Alice moved on and forgot about him.

What lessons can we learn from this story?

• Love can make it too easy to trust others. Alice shouldn’t have trusted Lucas so soon when they started dating. But sometimes love blinds you.

Be happy and move on; that’s the best kind of revenge. Alice didn’t think about Lucas or his nasty remarks again as she moved on with her new life and family.

Discuss this story with your companions. It could motivate them and make their day.

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Alice’s tumultuous journey from manipulated bride to discovering her true heritage and regaining her independence is a powerful testament to resilience and the unexpected twists and turns that life can throw. Her initial despair turned into a deep realization of her own strength and the value of real family ties. Despite the harsh revelation from Lucas and the emotional upheaval it caused, Alice’s story ended on a note of redemption and self-empowerment.

Her reunion with her biological family not only offered her a fresh start but also confirmed the importance of roots and connections that go deeper than mere circumstances. Lucas’ downfall served as a stark reminder of the consequences of deception and manipulation, underscoring that true family bonds and respect are far more valuable than any material wealth or status.

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Ultimately, Alice’s journey encourages us to face challenges with courage and remain open to life’s unexpected changes. It illustrates that sometimes the most difficult situations can lead to the most significant changes, promote growth, and bring unpredictable blessings. As Alice moved forward with her new life, her story remains a poignant reminder of the power of truth, the strength to be found in true relationships, and the enduring spirit of resilience.

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