“My Ex-Fiancée, Who Abandoned Me During My Illness, Contacts My New Wife on Our Wedding Night”

James feels that his marriage to Kaylee will be happily ever after because he is in love with her. But what happens on their wedding night when his ex-fiancée reveals an ominous truth about Kaylee?

Hello, I’m James. Even though life is full of surprises, I never would have thought to share something like this.

That’s why my world came crashing down when my ex-fiancé Lisa broke up with me.

She said she wanted to “enjoy life” and not be tied down, just when I needed her the most – after I was diagnosed with cancer. It hit me hard. After all, I was already fighting for my life and this?

I completely lost my faith in love.

he believed everything was a hoax.

If you go a little further, there is hope. She beat cancer, got back into fitness and my new business started to flourish. And then life surprised me by introducing me to Kaylee.

She brought with her a breath of fresh air. When she was around, things felt real and different. She laughed at me. gave me a new meaning in life. I got down on one knee with the ring when I suddenly felt a connection with her and she said yes.

When I was in Greece on a business trip, we had a wonderful ceremony that looked like something out of a fairy tale. I invited Kaylee on a confirmed business trip because she had always dreamed of getting married in Greece.

When we got back we planned a celebration for our families back home as they couldn’t join us. However, Kaylee gave me a serious look and said I had to take the call on our first night together as a married couple. On the other end of the call was my ex-fiancé, Lisa.

I did not understand. What made her call Kaylee?

“Hello?” he said.

Lisa threatened James, saying, “James, I want to be back with you or I’ll ruin your life.”

“Remember, I know people who could easily damage your reputation and damage your business.

I started the call to record. “How did you get my wife’s number?” I asked. Also, how dare you intimidate me? You decided to leave me.”

She was laughing during the call, I heard. Is your wife really all that she is? “He’s my sibling!”

“Your what?” I asked shocked.

Yes, that’s my sister. This whole thing was premeditated. I was afraid to leave every day, but I couldn’t do it once I got sick. I was determined to put things right. So we came up with this plan for her to win you over, give you happiness, and eventually bring us back together. I never thought she would marry you. I would never have left if you were so rich back then and had someone to take care of you.”

My ears were so incredible. Was my entire relationship set up to fail? Wasn’t Kaylee acting at all? Then I relived all the laughs and kisses I had with Kaylee. Everything seemed all too real.

“Look,” I said to Lisa, trying to stay calm. “That’s really weird. This kind of messing with people’s lives is unacceptable! I am also married now. I adore Kaylee.

She replied confidently, “James, I want to come back to you.” “And I always get what I want.”

I could feel my spirits rising. “You won’t do it this time, Lisa. I’m not your castaway.

Bye then!” I commented before hanging up.

I turned and looked at Kaylee. “Was she telling the truth?” interviewed.

My heart sank as Kaylee nodded slowly.

I said, “Then why did you marry me?”

She reached out and took mine. “Although I stuck to the plan at first, James, I can assure you that every time we spent together—every kiss, every laugh—was real to me. I really fell in love with you and completely forgot about the plan. I was dying to tell you everything, but I was afraid I might lose you, Lisa started blackmailing me and demanding that I leave you as soon as she heard about your recent success.

James, I’m really sorry I didn’t tell you. I honestly adore you.”

At that moment, I experienced a number of feelings all at once, including love, hate, and betrayal. But one thing was clear: Kaylee and I had real feelings for each other. Deep down I knew I would forgive her because I saw the sincerity in her eyes.

We decided to restart after a long and tearful conversation. No tricks or lies this time. We’re just trying to understand that strange, unusual love story.

And Lisa? Now it was only a faint memory, a reminder that sometimes the most unlikely paths lead to the most rewarding destinations. He can’t threaten us anymore because I have the tape of our conversation. I can’t wait to celebrate with my family and friends when Kaylee and I come home soon. Of course, Lisa won’t be attending. 

What should have been a night of celebration and joy ended up being a whirlwind of shock and betrayal. The revelation that Kayla’s relationship with me was tainted by Lisa’s manipulations was a bitter pill to swallow. Yet, in the midst of confusion, the truth has brought us closer rather than tearing us apart. Kaylee’s honest admission of her feelings and the love she developed for me despite the twisted plot made all the difference.

We choose to face the future with renewed determination, ready to build a life free of deception and filled with confidence. The bond we share, tested by lies but ultimately strengthened by truth, is now stronger than ever. Lisa’s threats and manipulations have worn off, and the tape of her confession ensures she can’t hurt us anymore.

As we prepare to celebrate our union with family and friends, Kaylee and I are excited to begin this new chapter built on love, transparency, and an unwavering commitment to one another. Our journey may have started with deception, but it is love and truth that will carry us forward. We look forward to leaving the shadows of the past and embracing the light of our shared future.

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