My Wife Was Comatose, and I Read Her Diary. Now, I’m Unsure How to Continue Living

It sounds like you’ve been through a lot, especially after discovering such unexpected revelations about your wife through her journal. Understandably, this situation caused you conflicts and uncertainty about how to proceed. Let’s continue to explore your story and provide additional insights and guidance to help you navigate this challenging time.

The story of a 39-year-old man who delved into his wife’s diary while she was in a coma reveals the depth of emotional turmoil and complexity in their marriage. Initially driven by a desire to connect with his oblivious wife, his decision to read her private thoughts led to the discovery of disturbing truths about her feelings for other women in his life. Her diary entries, filled with anger and suspicion, painted a stark contrast to the loving and supportive relationship he believed they shared.

A 39-year-old man wrote to us because he was in a difficult situation and could not talk to anyone close to him for advice. The fact is that he read his wife’s diary in private while she was unconscious because he wanted to spend some time with her, but what he found was not what he expected.

It all started with a serious family accident.

The 39-year-old told us his heartbreaking family history in a frantic letter. He begged us not to judge him and sincerely hoped that we and our readers would offer him some guidance with his challenging family circumstances.

“I hope I have written to the right place to get some advice,” he began his letter. I can’t talk to anyone about it, and I doubt I’ll be able to share my experience with my closest relatives.

The man further adds that a long time ago his dear wife had a serious accident.

Her injury caused her to fall into an eight-day coma. He clarified by saying, “It is evident that at the time no one really knew how long my husband’s coma would last when he entered it. I believed that my wife would not wake up for months or maybe even years. It felt like even though he already lost her because I wasn’t even sure if she would wake up from her coma.

“I was absolutely broken, I was devastated with grief and all the uncertainty was killing me,” the man described his feelings at the time.

Every day that passed without any encouraging news just made me feel hopeless.

The man added that their connection was always very close to perfection. “We’ve been married for fifteen years,” he stated. We saw the world together. She is actually my best friend and I am hers. If the doctors told me that my wife would either die in the brain or not wake up, I thought my life would be over.

The man decided to read his wife’s diary in an attempt to find solace.

The man opened up about how hopeless he felt about the whole thing. One night he was sitting in their bedroom feeling really depressed about the whole situation.

“I felt physically and emotionally drained by all of this,” he wrote. It was just another day without good news. I decided to lie on her side of the bed because I could still feel her comforting presence through the pillows.

The man explained that his wife applied lotion every night before bed, and he reached into the drawer for a bottle of lotion to smell. Then he noticed his wife’s diary there.

“I had never touched her things before and I was aware of the diary but I never opened it,” he elaborated. That night I just needed a little of my darling; I’ve been through a lot. I could have read our previous materials online or whatever, but I wasn’t very good at reasoning at the time. I realize this is poor reasoning, but it is true.

Then he started reading the diary that his wife kept. The man revealed that his wife made her entries at intervals of days or months. About four years ago, she started writing a diary. As the man read, he gradually noticed that the hair on his head stood on end because of what his beloved wife had written in the diary.

The man revealed another aspect of his wife’s character.

“I was immediately afraid that almost all the entries in the diary were angry,” the man wrote.

They are dealing with female friends or social media followers. My dear husband wrote long pages detailing all their flaws, including how unattractive and untalented they were.

If a woman ever followed me on social media or if we actually became friends, she would be really upset. My wife has written many pages detailing her desire to see these women’s lives destroyed.

The man revealed that his wife became really angry because he “had all the attention” and didn’t delete his social media followers. Because “he is my husband, she has to respect my feelings and show that she has no intentions with my husband,” the woman became enraged whenever a woman followed her husband’s account without immediately doing the same with hers.

The man was completely taken aback and realized many things at once.

According to the man, he discovered that his wife had been writing lengthy diaries in which she accused all the ladies in their immediate vicinity of purposefully undermining their marriage with their every move, no matter how small.

“None of the women she was mad at ever texted me inappropriately, and none of them were anything but friendly,” he said, stressing how utterly pointless all of his wife’s feelings were. In fact, all of these individuals were classmates or friends from home.

But the most surprising revelation was yet to come.

“Then I read some of her notes about how she sent these women messages from secret accounts,” the man revealed. She said they ignored our bond. She claimed to be an ordinary person from our hometown and wrote under pseudonyms, telling them rude and strangely deceptive things. All of which would result in the woman deleting me and never explaining why.

I had no idea this was going on for years. She made sure they knew in a way that would never reflect badly on her while keeping them away from me. Any new person who followed me and not her immediately became a problem.

With all the information he’s found, the man isn’t sure what to do.

Because of how complicated this scenario is, it is important that you treat it with compassion and understanding. The following actions may help you resolve this situation:

Collect your thoughts: Give the situation some space and time to think before you act.

Seek professional help: You may consider contacting a psychologist or counselor who can help you understand the contents of the diary and how it affects your family life.

Seek help: In this situation, ask trusted friends or family members for help and guidance.

Try to find solutions together and make decisions that take your wife’s feelings and ideas into account.

Create an atmosphere of trust: It is important to create an atmosphere where both partners feel comfortable sharing their emotions and concerns.

Because every situation is different, it’s important to get professional advice and base your decision on your family’s needs as well as your specific circumstances.

When people face challenging situations, they often write to us. Sometimes they want to hear a wide range of opinions from our readers to look at an issue from multiple angles. Here is another man who wrote to us that he admitted to his wife that he regretted his decision to become a parent.

The heart-wrenching story of a 39-year-old man who discovers disturbing truths in his wife’s diary while she is in a coma reveals the depth of emotional turmoil and complexity in their relationship. What began as a desperate attempt to connect with his unconscious wife turned into a shocking revelation of her hidden insecurities and actions.

His wife’s journal entries, full of resentment and suspicion towards other women in his life, painted a picture far different from the loving and supportive partnership he believed they had. The revelation of secret messages sent under pseudonyms to these women further shattered his perception of their marriage.

Faced with this dilemma, the man finds himself torn between sympathy for his wife’s problems and the betrayal he feels from her actions. The years of trust built between them now seem fragile, overshadowed by the deceit and animosity detailed in her private writings.

As she seeks advice and ponders the future of their relationship, it becomes clear that there are no easy answers. The way forward requires careful consideration of their shared history, the impact on their family, and the emotional wounds inflicted on both sides.

This story serves as a poignant reminder of the complexity of marriage and the importance of open communication and trust. It emphasizes the need for empathy and understanding, even in moments of deep personal discovery and anguish.

Ultimately, the man’s path to reconciliation or resolution will be guided by introspection, support from loved ones, and possibly professional guidance to navigate the emotional minefield revealed by his wife’s journal. It is a testament to the resilience of love and the challenges inherent in truly knowing and accepting the complexity of those closest to us.

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