Twin Sibling Declines to Donate Kidney to Ailing Brother Despite Years of Mistreatment

Years after his parents kicked him out of the home, one guy was asked by his twin brother to donate a kidney, but he refused. The man soon found out that his brother had died of kidney failure, and his family called to accuse him.

Throwawaybitwin, a man on Reddit, shared his story in the “NuclearRevenge” thread. He gave himself and the characters in his story false names to maintain anonymity.

Ryan, a Redditor, had a sister Jane, and a twin brother Sebastian. He was raised to believe that his brother was given priority by his parents in all aspects of life. Ryan revealed that his siblings bullied and teased him at school, but their parents never confronted him about it.

Ryan fell in love with a girl he started dating early on when the twins were seventeen. The girl claimed she waited until she was 18 and didn’t want to get physical with him when they were dating.

Ryan agreed, understanding her concern, not knowing that she was seeing Sebastian privately. When she told him she was expecting a baby, he found out she was having an affair. “I was devastated, she knew how much I hated my brother and she saw some of the horrible things he did to me, but she still did it,” Ryan said.

Ryan started dating again a year later, but this time with a boy named Daniel. It wasn’t until Sebastian witnessed Ryan and his friend Isaac holding hands at the theater that Ryan’s sexual orientation was revealed. Sebastian then made fun of his twin and made homophobic slurs, but Ryan told him to stop talking and he and his friend entered the theater.

Ryan never found out what Sebastian had done until he got home that evening. He damaged his reputation in front of their parents by revealing his sexual orientation to them.

Ryan recalled:
“I saw both my parents on the sofa, my mother crying how on earth could she give birth to someone so vile (it was too much to hope she saw the light and was talking about my brother) but no, she was talking about me and how I was a stain on in the name of our family.”

Unwilling to accept his sexual orientation, Ryan’s parents kicked him out of the house that evening, leaving him with very little money and clothes. He went to Isaac’s house feeling helpless and was shocked to find how warmly his friend’s family welcomed him.

A few years later, his sister called him
 Ryan married his partner after being evicted from his residence and they moved into Isaac’s apartment. Ryan made enough money as a graphic designer to live comfortably.

Nine years had passed since his parents’ divorce when Jane called him. She informed him that Sebastian was in the hospital and needed to see Ryan immediately. Ryan followed his brother to the hospital where he met his parents, feeling confused.

Ryan said, “It’s safe to say something wasn’t right,” before adding that his brother and parents were happy to see him and acted like they hadn’t kicked him out years ago. Afterward, Sebastian informed Ryan that he would not survive without a kidney donor and that his kidneys had failed.

Ryan was adamant that he would not donate a kidney until Sebastian expressed his wish for his twin to do so.

Hearing his brother’s reaction, Sebastian was taken aback and started apologizing to him for everything that had happened in the past. Ryan’s parents informed him that he “owed” them for his survival, but that didn’t change his choice. Ryan was sure he didn’t want to give Sebastian a kidney to save his life.

How does he feel about his brother’s death? A few months later, Ryan received a call from Jane to tell him that Sebastian had died. When she asked about his health out of concern, Ryan said he “didn’t really feel anything” about losing his sibling.

The next day, Ryan gets a call from relatives he hasn’t spoken to in years, accusing him of being Sebastian’s killer. They commented that he and Daniel “do not deserve children” and referred to him as a “bad brother” and a “bad son”.

At the end of his Reddit post, Ryan revealed that other family members have reached out to see how he’s doing. He admitted: “I didn’t donate my kidney to my evil brother because he’s been horrible to me all my life.” To learn about another woman who ended her pregnancy and gave her liver to save her sibling, click this link. Her husband quickly found out.

In the emotionally charged saga shared by Reddit user Throwawaybitwin, in his narrative known as Ryan, the complexities of family relationships and the lasting impact of past traumas come to light. Raised in an environment where he felt overshadowed by his twin brother Sebastian, Ryan endured years of abuse and emotional turmoil from both his sibling and parents. From childhood molestation to revealing his sexual orientation, Ryan faced rejection and abandonment, culminating in his expulsion from the family home.

Despite the adversity he faced, Ryan found comfort and acceptance in the arms of his partner Daniel and the warmth of his friend Isaac’s family. Ryan built a life for himself as a graphic designer and found love and stability with Daniel. He seemed to have gotten over the pain his family had caused him.

However, a sudden turn of events has thrown Ryan back into the turbulent world he thought he had left behind. When Ryan learns of Sebastian’s dire health and desperate plea for a kidney donation, he is faced with a moral dilemma. Despite years of hostility and mistreatment, Ryan struggles with the decision of whether to save his brother’s life and ultimately chooses to prioritize his own well-being and autonomy.

The aftermath of Sebastian’s death brought Ryan a barrage of accusations and recriminations from his estranged relatives. Accused of being his brother’s “murderer” and labeled a “bad brother” and a “bad son,” Ryan found himself once again the family outcast. Yet, in the face of condemnation and guilt, Ryan remained steadfast in his decision, asserting his right to self-preservation and refusing to succumb to his family’s expectations and demands.

In telling his story, Ryan confronts the complexities of family loyalty and the limits of personal agency. Through her storytelling, she sheds light on the lingering scars of childhood trauma and the courage it takes to break free from toxic family dynamics. Ultimately, Ryan’s journey serves as a testament to the resilience of the human spirit and the power of self-determination in the face of adversity.

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