Woman on a Video Call with Her Boss Faces an Angry Interruption from Her Husband – Story of the Day

Amanda’s husband Chris interrupts an important video conference and she decides it’s time to call it quits. But when he showed up for an official meeting the next day and put on a show for a large audience of influential people, things only got worse.

Amanda’s eyes were fixed on her laptop. She was finishing up an important meeting with her managers at work. It wasn’t a video meeting that made her nerves tingle.

Chris, her husband, was approaching the tidy and comfortable corner where she worked, answering video calls. Mr. Anders exclaimed, “Amanda, you are amazing.” Amanda would have smiled her widest and brightest, but Chris was closing in now, practically right at her. She got a cold. She had nowhere to run and nowhere to hide, just like when a bear corners a squirrel.

Chris stepped right into her space and within range of her laptop camera and slammed a beer into the notepad she was using to jot down notes. Amanda pulled away from his embrace. “What are you doing?” Chris asked.

“Where’s my food?”

“I’m really sorry,” Amanda apologized to her managers before turning to Chris. “I’m just wrapping up a meeting, honey. She watched in horror as Mr. Anders and Claire, her superior, exchanged confused looks.

Amanda could still save that. If she could find the right words or point of view when looking at Chris, maybe he would walk away (once she got the confidence to even look at him). Once she left, she could write it all off as a mistake.

“Honey, I’m hungry,” Chris muttered. “You don’t want to upset your husband do you?” His voice was smooth and soft, full of threats that Amanda knew he wouldn’t think twice about delivering. Now that she was forced to look up at him, she did so fearlessly, speaking to him as if he were an ordinary person rather than a monster with a human mask.

“Honey, I need a few more minutes. Could you please?” Amanda begged. I’m on the phone with my superiors. We should be done in a moment.”

She looked at her laptop again, but Chris was clearly not done. “Supervisory?” Laughing, he reached out to take her chair.”Go ahead, go,” Chris replied, rocking her chair a little. “You know what happens when you work too hard.

Amanda was fully aware of the consequences Chris would inflict on her for what he considered excessive work. Her head was full of screaming terror, but she was still smiling at the screen. Something within her was released that looked like it might be crucial.

In the end, Amanda had no choice but to let Chris talk her out of what could have been the most important meeting of her career. It never mattered to her. As she walked into the kitchen, a familiar darkness surrounded her.

Chris called after her, “And put everything on the table in fifteen minutes.” Amanda said, “Of course sweetie,” letting her automatic nature take over. Chris commented, “I will speak to your superiors personally.”

He was talking to one of Amanda’s superiors, Mr. Anders. “Amanda is essential for tomorrow’s meeting, Chris. Do you realize how important her presence is to our success?” He said emphatically.

Chris’s expression wavered a little. “Oh, yes, sure,” he said, sweeping it away. Chris remained on the call, his disruptive behavior leaving lasting marks of disorder that clouded the professionalism of the meeting as Amanda left to attend to Chris’ food requests.


A few hours later, Amanda found herself in her kitchen, the remains of dinner strewn all over the counter. The sound of clinking plates filled the room as she carefully went through mundane tasks like washing and drying.

What led to this situation? As Amanda wiped the hard stain off her plate, her mind raced. My career is in ruins because of my husband.

Amanda felt her thoughts pulling her as the sound of clinking plates receded into the background. I made a lot of sacrifices and worked really hard for it.

She steamed the glass, its transparency reflecting the chaos she was unable to fully observe. How do I draw a border?

What keeps me with him now?

Finally, the dishes were shiny. But Amanda’s inner struggle lingered, unresolved, heavy on her conscience, and warm beneath the surface.


Mr. Anders tried to act appropriately the next day and immediately apologized to the investors. I apologize for waiting.

Amanda will arrive soon. I really appreciate your patience.”

Mr. Whitney, calm among investors, nodded sympathetically.

Eyes fixed on the door, he comforted himself, “We can’t wait to hear from Amanda.

Finally, Amanda rushed in, her heart pounding. Her eyes shone with determination, but the darkness beneath them betrayed her weariness. “I appreciate your patience. Still gasping for air, she managed,” “I’m so sorry.”

Before she could get her bearings, Chris burst into the room.” Why the commotion? With a smirk on his lips, he asked, “Do you mind if I join in?” and quickly looked around.

He approached Mr. Whitney and stared at the watch on his wrist. “Nice watch. How much did you spend on it?” Chris nudged, either not noticing or ignoring the surprised and confused looks around him.

The investors looked at each other in confusion as Chris continued, shamelessly. “Surely money talks?” “Let’s get started,” he said.

Amanda tried to control him. With beads of sweat on her forehead, she begged, “Chris, not now, please.”

Mr. Anders called to Claire and directed her to the hallway outside the conference room where Chris was loitering with an unsettling feeling of being disturbed.

He said, “We have to hold it back,” and then yelled at Amanda’s husband. How about giving Chris a tour of our facilities? Amanda will continue the meeting while we give you a tour of the area.”

Chris’s face changed a sly smile appearing on his lips. Yes, sir.

“Lead the way!” he taunted, his eyes flickering in a playful manner.

Mr. Anders guided Chris through the hallway.

He turned to Claire and attempted a smile. “Claire here will assist you,” he said.

Reluctantly, Claire nodded. “Obviously, Chris. Presuming this was all very usual, she said, “Let’s start with the main office area.” When Mr. Anders entered the room again, Chris’s smile and sarcasm gave way to something else.

Claire had to pretend not to notice the shift right away. The investor meeting was really important. Chris demanded, his voice like a sharp dagger, “Show me around, girl.” “Well, follow your boss’s instructions. Sweetheart, you know what to do if you want everything to go smoothly.”


Amanda’s eyelids were heavy and her body was drenched in sweat, but she struggled to keep up her professional façade. She tried to move the presentation along by taking a quick look at the investors. “I apologize for the disruption,” she said, attempting to draw everyone’s focus to the wall projection.

But Amanda’s body gave up as she raised her hand to gesture to something. She stumbled a little and her eyesight became hazy.

She felt a sickening sickness wash over her as the world whirled around her and she eventually collapsed onto the conference room carpet.

“Give her some water,” Mr. Whitney ordered, looking worried. The investors looked at each other anxiously, their worried muttering filling the air.

Mr. Anders lost his cool.

“This is unacceptable!” he yelled, clearly angry and clearly frustrated as he placed the responsibility on Amanda. “Amanda, get up! We must move forward now!”

“She needs help,” Mr. Whitney said, scowling at Mr. Anders. Amanda was assisted by Mr. Morgan to stand and take a seat at the table, but before they could proceed, everyone was startled by the recognizable sound of a video call.

It originated on the computer in Mr. Anders’s private office. Though he was hesitant, he took the call. His questioning momentarily subsided into shock instead of wrath as he inquired, “What’s happening there?”

When the screen sprang to life, it showed Claire cowering on a couch and struggling to free her face from the hefty man’s hands, Chris was standing imposingly close to her in Mr. Anders’s office.

With furious expressions on their faces, the investors stood up and demanded that Mr. Anders take action and provide protection. Despite her earlier collapse, Amanda was the one who took the initiative. “It’s got to stop,” she said, her chin rising.

This is too much, Amanda thought to herself, her pulse pounding with worry for Claire’s security. Behind her came the investors.

“Wait, what’s going on?” Mr. Anders inquired, sounding much quieter than the others. “We need to get back to the meeting!”

“Chris, leave her alone!” As Amanda walked into Mr. Anders’s office, her stern command broke the ice. Mr. Morgan and Mr. Whitney ran after her.

With his hands by his sides, Chris remained still in front of his audience. “I didn’t do anything!”

“You’ve gone too far this time!”

The sound of Amanda’s voice reverberated throughout the office, as her eyes shot darts at her spouse.

Mr. Whitney and Mr. Morgan moved quickly to take charge of the situation and confine Chris until security could arrive. Chris’s voice echoed down the hallway even after he was led out. “I did nothing improper! They want me, you all know that! in particular, her.” His face contorted into a psychotic sneer, he aimed a trembling finger at Amanda.

“Enough, Chris!” Amanda’s firm, unyielding voice sliced through the atmosphere.

“Enough is done by you. It’s finished.”

When her husband was finally out of sight, Amanda saw the look of anger on Mr. Anders’ face. He had nearly no more smoke in his ears. “It’s outrageous! Everything has been damaged by you two! You -” Mr. Whitney and Mr. Morgan paused his diatribe with a start.

“Mr. Anders, enough!” Mr. Whitney yelled, gesturing with one hand to halt him.

“Your lack of leadership exacerbated this situation.”

Mr. Morgan corrected, “Exactly,” with an unflinching gaze. “Amidst the pandemonium brought forth by your carelessness, Amanda and Claire made every effort to save the conference. It’s your fault, not theirs.

Mr. Anders gazed at the investors, roiling with rage. “How dare you interfere in my business!”

Unfazed, Mr. Whitney shook his head.

“You don’t treat your staff like this. We appreciate their commitment and expertise, which you have neglected to mention.”

“Plus, they’re too good to work for you,” Mr. Morgan stated firmly. Amanda and Claire have roles available at our investment fund. Better is due to them.”

Mr. Anders stormed out of the office, his face flushed with rage. Following his exit, the investors focused on Amanda and Claire, praising them for their tenacity and providing them with possibilities in a more encouraging and grateful work environment.

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Dr. Silverman adores her position. He takes great joy in putting people back together. Vanessa worries about an unconscious woman with multiple bruises when she is taken to the emergency room. But what happens when an aggressor visits a medical facility? Click here to read the full story.

Amanda’s confrontation with Chris marked a significant turning point in her life. As events unfolded, it became clear that Chris’s toxic behavior not only threatened Amanda’s professional career but also her well-being and self-esteem. The dramatic scene in Mr. Anders’ office, where Amanda finally stood up to her husband’s disruptive and abusive behavior, symbolized her breaking free from the chains that had bound her for so long.

With the backing of investors like Mr. Whitney and Mr. Morgan, Amanda and Claire found themselves in a unique position. The respect and recognition they received contrasted sharply with the dismissive and careless attitude of Mr. Anders. Their unwavering professionalism and resilience in the face of adversity did not go unnoticed and opened doors to new opportunities that promised a more welcoming and respectful work environment.

This breakthrough wasn’t just a professional victory for Amanda; it was deeply personal. By standing up to Chris, she regained her sense of agency and began to rebuild her life on her terms. The prospect of a new role in a more positive work environment was a beacon of hope, a fresh start, and the possibility of a brighter and more fulfilling future.

Amanda’s journey reminds us of the importance of self-respect and the courage it takes to face toxic situations. Her story serves as a beacon of hope for anyone facing similar challenges, showing that it is possible to break free from the grip of fear and manipulation and find a path to a healthier and happier life.

If Amanda’s story resonates with you, please consider sharing it with your friends. It could offer them the inspiration they need to make positive changes in their own lives.

For more uplifting stories, read about Dr. Silverman, who finds immense joy in her work helping people put their lives back together. Her story takes a dramatic turn when she comes across a badly bruised unconscious woman in the emergency room. The real challenge comes when a female aggressor arrives at the hospital. Click here to read the full story.

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