Woman Surprises Her Boyfriend with a Visit, Discovers He Has a Wife She Never Knew Existed – Story of the Day

When Lisa goes to surprise her lover, Max, she ends up at his wife Kate’s house.

Lisa finds herself entangled in yet another web of deceit as the two ladies join forces to get revenge on Max.

Lisa, a 28-year-old lawyer, found her fiancé Max waiting for him in his car with a bouquet of flowers as the sun began to set over the city. Although they had only been together for three months, there was already a strong bond between them and they were getting married before long.

“These are for you,” Max said with a smile as he handed Lisa the bouquet.

I’m grateful. “They are beautiful,” Lisa replied, her eyes shining.

Max turned to Lisa as they settled comfortably into his car, his eyes shining with love and pride. He playfully remarked, “Show me the engagement ring one more time.”

“I want to see how you like it.”

Max saw an old ring on one of Lisa’s fingers as she reached out. He asked, “What kind of ring is that?”

“It’s a family heirloom,” Lisa said.

As they were leaving he said, “It looks very expensive.”

Lisa nodded with pride in her voice. “Yes, it’s valuable, but valuable to me as a memory.

Max then revealed that his father required an expensive procedure and was admitted to the hospital. He admitted that he could not afford this procedure because his money was invested in a startup. As a businessman, he invested in top companies.

“How much does it take? Maybe I can help you.” He asks Lisa.

“All in… $50,000.

Lisa paused. “I… don’t have that kind of money.

“Haven’t you started saving money for a house? I promise I’ll pay you back as soon as I receive the seed money.”

Lisa considered it and bit her lip. I’ll give it some thought. I’m sure we can find a solution to get such a huge amount.”

Max smiled gratefully and nodded. “Well thank you.”

Max picked up the phone when it suddenly rang. He said it was his housekeeper who alerted him to the flooding in his basement when he hung up. He apologized to Lisa and said, “I have to go take care of this. I can’t join your parents for dinner.”

Lisa had a mixture of disappointment and understanding. “I get the point, but I’m still upset that you had to miss dinner. Maybe tomorrow? We can reschedule.”

Max looked contrite. “Lisa, I’m really sorry. I didn’t expect this. I doubt I’ll find the time tomorrow because it’s going to take longer.”

They drove on, Lisa’s disappointment at the changed plans mixed with concern for Max’s father and the damaged house.

Lisa decided to get out of Max’s car at a red light. Firmly, “I think I’ll get here,” she said.

“What? Why not?” Max asked fearfully.

“I need some time to process the situation.” Lisa replied, “You have to manage your home,” and left the house and entered the bustling metropolis.

Lisa moved quickly and decided to go to her parents. She described the events of the evening at their home, expressing pain and confusion.

Her father Tom said, “How about you pay Max a surprise visit? It might be helpful. Every relationship has its quarrels, dear.”

“I’m not sure where he lives,” Lisa said, feeling embarrassed.

“I can find out for you,” Tom suggested.

Lisa knew her father had resources and contacts from his years on the police force that could help her. He soon returned with Max’s address on a piece of paper and delivered it to her.

Lisa quickly paid him a visit. She took a deep breath and rang the bell and a woman opened the door.

“You must be Max’s housekeeper? Is Max home?” He asks Lisa.

“No, Kate, I’m his wife. And you too?” the woman asked.

Lisa said “I’m Lisa…his fiancée” She sounded surprised.

Engaged? Is this some joke?

He tied the knot!” Kate revealed, flashing her wedding band.

Lisa revealed her engagement ring, looking sad and confused. “He never claimed to be married. I was ignorant,” she said.

Throwing things at Lisa, Kate became enraged and accused her of seducing her husband.

Kate shouted with an angry face, “Get out of here and never come near my husband again.”

Kate closed the door in Lisa’s face before she could finish.

Lisa sobbed as she sat outside Max’s house feeling betrayed. Shortly after, Kate brought her wine and apologized for her outburst.

Kate angrily commented: “This jerk cheated on us both,” revealing that they had been married for seven years. They drank wine together in silence.

Lisa expressed regret and that she didn’t know Max was married. Frightened, Kate paid attention as Lisa recounted that Max had asked for $50,000 to pay for her father’s medical care.

Frightened by the lie, Kate said, “His father died five years ago.” “What do you know? It’s time to deal with that bastard!”

Kate decided to confront Max, so she called him. He excused himself and said he needed to do some work in his office. Lisa believed that the story about the flooded house was not true.

He wasn’t in his office when Kate and Lisa got there. Kate and Lisa had a little trouble getting in as Max’s security recognized her. The two women took advantage of the situation to search his workstation, finding fake passports for Max under several names, a mortgaged house, and loan statements in Kate’s name.

“So his name isn’t even Max,” Kate remarked, revealing her fictitious bond.

Lisa speculated, “Maybe he was planning to rob you of your money.”

Kate was silent for a moment, deep in thought. “In three days we were to travel to Chicago for an auction. Max helped me sell a painting that I really admired.” She realized she had said too much and stopped.

“What auction?” Curious, Lisa asked.

Never mind, we’re not leaving right now.

“There are more important things,” Kate brushed off the question.

Lisa examined the forged passports.

“With this, we can just hand him over to the police.

This is too easy and he will have time to get away. Kate remarked in a harsh voice, “I want to see his face when he realizes he’s lost everything.” “Transfer the money to him,” she said, “and we’ll watch with the police where he collects it.”

“I’m saving for a house and I don’t want to lose everything,” Lisa said.

“You want to put him behind bars?”

Kate asked with a wild look.

Lisa nodded, “Yes, I do.”

“Then let’s do the transfer.

*** Lisa called Max and planned lunch.

“Hi, Max,” Lisa said carefully in a neutral tone. “Would you like to meet for lunch today?”

Yes, Lisa. I can drop by and pick you up. In an hour, huh?” Max spoke in a casual tone.

After calling Kate, the phone rang. She murmured, “It’s Max,” to Lisa.

“Hello?” she asked icily.

“Hi, Kate,” Max said. “I’ll be home late. Don’t wait for me.” 

“Okay, Max,” Kate replied calmly.

Max,” Kate replied in a firm voice. Money for your father’s treatment.

“Are you serious? Lisa, it’s… thank you so much,” Max muttered, his face lighting up.

Heart pounding, Lisa forced a smile.

After the move they ate in silence, Max unaware of the trap that was set for him.

After lunch, they drove to Lisa’s.

Before he left, Max wanted to use her bathroom. Lisa nodded, nervous now.

She called Kate after he left, but she didn’t hear.

Lisa visited Kate and Max’s house because she was feeling uneasy, but was startled to find it empty. Then she realized they had run away together. Lisa dialed her father in a panic.

“I was cheated, Dad. Lisa told Tom that Max and Kate stole all her money and ran away.”

Tom said, “Oh, Lisa, I’m so sorry,” with concern. “Do you know where they could have gone?”

“No, Dad. It’s like they disappeared,” Lisa remarked in dismay.

Veteran policeman Tom said tracing the money would be almost impossible. “I know how you feel, Lisa, and I promise we’ll make every effort. However, these frauds are very skilled at covering their tracks.”

Lisa returned home, hurt and betrayed. She realized her family heirloom was missing from her wardrobe.

Since Lisa usually took off her rings before showering, she hurried to the bathroom, but he wasn’t there. She searched the entire house but could not find the ring. Then she remembered Max. When he broke into the house and pretended to use her toilet, he stole her.

She couldn’t shake the images of the ring that had been passed down through the family for centuries. It wasn’t just an accessory. She felt a mixture of pity and rage at the thought of Max stealing her and selling her to the highest bidder.

Lisa then remembered the auction that Kate had called. Lisa’s head was racing, wondering if the ring was really there. She turned on her laptop and began browsing the web for upcoming auctions.

Lisa searched auction houses and the Internet for offers but found nothing. It would have to be a secret auction with no public announcement.

Determined to get her family jewels back, Lisa contacted a client who was familiar with these types of auctions. He allowed her to attend the only underground auction in Chicago.


When Lisa arrived at the event in disguise, she saw Kate on stage wearing a ring.

“There’s my ring. It’s not what it says it is. It’s very normal,” Lisa mumbled to the woman next door who brushed her off.

Lisa continued to bid furiously, her pulse pounding with each rise. She ended up taking home a prize of $300,000.

“How will you pay today?” Kate asked with a slight stutter in her voice.

With all eyes in the room on her, Lisa rose to her feet. There was polite applause when she took the stage. “Max is going to pay for everything,” Lisa shouted as she faced Kate directly.

At that moment, a wave of police came in and began arresting Kate.

With a mixture of relief and regret, Lisa watched as her former ‘friend’ was handcuffed.

After the auction, Lisa was at the police station, where she watched Kate’s interrogation through a one-way mirror. Lisa had her family back, but she felt a bittersweet victory.

Kate looked defeated. The detective questioning Kate added, “We can make it easy for you.” “However, you must tell us everything. Where’s Max?”

After a moment of hesitation, Kate said, “I want a deal, but I’ll tell you where it is.” lighter sentence.

She gave the address of Max’s hideout. Later, Lisa saw Max brought in, his s*xy ways gone. The investigator came to him in the interrogation room. “You’re getting yourself into big trouble, Max,” he said. “Identity theft, theft and fraud. Kate filled us in on everything.”

Recognizing his circumstances, Max looked defeated. He knew his game was up.

Lisa felt a mixture of agony and satisfaction.

Max now faced consequences for his behavior. When she left the police station, she knew it was closed. Armed with her newfound knowledge, she was ready to start over in her life. She stepped out into the night, ready for a new beginning.

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In the labyrinth of love, betrayal, and deception, Lisa’s journey serves as a testament to the resilience and power of uncovering the truth. Despite grief and loss, Lisa emerges stronger, her spirit unbroken and her determination sharpened. Max and Kate, who once seemed invincible in their deception, finally face the consequences of their actions. The web they weave to ensnare others becomes their undoing, a poignant reminder that deception always meets justice sooner or later.

Lisa’s experience, though painful, offers a glimmer of hope and a path forward. She is not merely a victim but a warrior who, despite her naivety, mustered the courage to confront and overcome the challenges thrown her way. The recovery of her family heirloom, a symbol of her heritage and strength, is a bittersweet victory, signifying not just the reclamation of a cherished possession but also the reclaiming of her dignity and self-worth.

As she steps into the night, ready for a fresh start, Lisa’s story leaves us with a powerful message: trust and honesty are the bedrock of any relationship, and the truth, no matter how painful, must always be faced head-on. Her story is an inspiring reminder that even in the face of betrayal, one can find the strength to rebuild and move forward.

If you enjoyed Lisa’s tale, another story about a woman’s encounter with her son’s girlfriend, filled with unexpected twists and emotional depth, might pique your interest. Sharing these stories not only spreads the lessons they impart but also brings a touch of inspiration to those who might be facing their own struggles. Let’s celebrate the indomitable human spirit and the endless capacity for renewal and growth.

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