I Disciplined a Young Boy for Misbehaving in a Restaurant, But Now People Are Criticizing My Actions

Moving in a social environment can often bring unexpected problems, especially when it comes to children whose behavior could disturb the peace. Public places such as restaurants are a common place where differing opinions about children’s behavior and the extent of parental control come into sharp focus. These situations can be particularly unpleasant and contentious if they involve individuals who are not as tolerant or dislike children. Such was the case in a recent incident shared by a Redditor that sparked debate not only among those involved but also among the wider online community.

After a youngster yelled at a stranger’s child in a restaurant, a Redditor expressed frustration, saying, “I was frustrated that the kid’s parents just let him disrupt everything.” One Redditor expressed frustration at being irritated at a restaurant. He wasn’t one to love being around children, but now the toddler was bothering him.

A man yelled at a stranger’s child in a restaurant

A man was sitting next to a table with a toddler enjoying dinner with his friends. He said he doesn’t like to spend a lot of time with children, including his nieces and nephews.

Like any other child, the cub made a lot of noise and his parents didn’t mind. The young man was constantly talking to his friends, so the man initially tried to ignore him, but it was not possible. Subsequently, the small child climbed out of the seat and began to run around the restaurant. The man eventually got up to use the restroom and as he was leaving, the child bumped into him. This was a turning point for Dad.

Dad yelled, “Get away from me, you [expletive]!” to a crying child. When the boy’s parents saw their crying toddler, they lost their temper. The father responded by urging them to control their child better after they yelled at him for yelling at the boy.

The manager had to step in to stop the heated debate that was the talk of the entire restaurant. The Redditor paid the money and immediately left the restaurant with his friends, but to his surprise, they did not agree with him.

They thought yelling at a child was wrong. This led a Redditor to ask other users on the site for their thoughts, with one commenting:

“YTA. When a grown man accidentally crosses paths with you, say the same thing and see the result.”

The problem is your terrible social skills, not whether you like children or not.”

The man was heavily criticized by Redditors for swearing at a child and disrespecting young people. They also thought that he was already against children, and that’s why he acted like that.

Is it normal to dislike other people’s children?

Dollydaydream97, a Mumsnet user, asked if it was common for adults to hate other people’s children.

Although she does not favor the presence of children, she claims that it is not that she is “terrible” to them. The woman also revealed that she was expecting and suggested that her feelings may have been influenced by hormones.

Most respondents said they felt the same way. He doesn’t like spending time with other people’s children; they only like their own. One user said that if they get along well with their parents, they enjoy spending time with their children. Another user made the following comment:

To be honest, I feel incredibly uncomfortable around other people’s children.

Occasionally there is a very humorous one that I enjoy, but mostly I wish they would just go away. I adore and can’t get enough of my own DS.

It’s not the same as your own.”

Most users also thought their own children were different. People love their children and don’t mind being around them when they become parents. Some people also develop a fondness for other people’s children and are comfortable spending time with them.

What does it mean when someone says they only enjoy their own children? was a question posed to Quora users. On the loudest note, some people think of themselves as “kid-unfriendly” and feel uncomfortable around other people’s kids because they’re messy, noisy, and constantly in need of help.

These people are unlikely to try to confiscate someone else’s child and are likely to reject professions that involve teaching and babysitting. They also have no plans to become parents.

However, when they become parents, they will adore their miniature versions and take care of the child regardless of whether they are unruly, noisy, or needy. However, this does not mean that they immediately fall in love with other people’s children.

Emotions are not always shameful

Give a new parent some time and they’ll fall in love with the other kids, Quora Member advised the original poster.

They told her, “When you have your own, you’ll start to like children,” and she went for it. But when she ventured outside her home for the first time since becoming a mother, she found her emotions remained the same. Although she loved her own children, she wasn’t as attached to children she didn’t know.

byu/NicBabyThro from discussion
byu/NicBabyThro from discussion
byu/NicBabyThro from discussion
byu/NicBabyThro from discussion
byu/NicBabyThro from discussion

According to Gemma Hartley’s story on Romper, she grew up surrounded by children because her mother had a nursery at home. She hated children because she always witnessed the unruly and noisy behavior of other people’s children in her house.

She expected things to change after having her own children, but they stayed the same. In addition to her friend’s children, she continued to hate other people’s children.

This is mainly because she spends time with her friends and they hang out with her children.

A common conundrum faced by parents is whether it is appropriate to ask their children to pay rent for them. Click this link to read what others have said.

In conclusion, interactions between adults and children in public spaces, especially when these children are not their own, can elicit strong and varied responses. The restaurant incident highlights the complex mix of tolerance, parental responsibility, and social etiquette. While some may feel justified in their frustration when a child’s behavior disrupts their experience, society generally expects adults to handle such situations with a greater degree of patience and diplomacy than the Redditor demonstrated.

Additionally, the broader discussion of adults’ discomfort around children they don’t know underscores a common sentiment. It is not uncommon for individuals to favor their own children over others, and this preference does not necessarily change once one becomes a parent. This suggests a nuanced relationship between people and children in general, which is influenced by personal experience, temperament, and the specific dynamics of each situation.

Regardless of whether one is comfortable with children or not, the key takeaway is that it is important to handle interactions with kindness and understanding, respect the role of parents, and maintain decency in public. It is also essential that parents monitor and manage their children’s behavior in public to ensure it conforms to societal expectations, thereby minimizing conflict and improving the experience for all involved.

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