Is My Response to My Daughter-in-Law’s Remark Justified?

What started as a family meal turned into a heated exchange of words. When one woman’s son got angry for fighting back, she was taken aback. The 39-year-old tried her best to keep her emotions in check when she saw her new daughter-in-law, but one day when she made another hurtful remark, she snapped. She then posted it on Reddit to see if her answer was incorrect.

What started as a family meal turned into a heated exchange of words. She was taken aback when the woman’s son got angry for fighting back.

The 39-year-old tried her best to keep her emotions in check when she saw her new daughter-in-law, but one day when she made another hurtful remark, she snapped. She then posted it on Reddit to see if her answer was incorrect.

The woman specified that she gave birth to her children as a young mother-in-law. She and her husband decided that when her children were grown, she would stay at home and be more active in the community.

The woman was lucky to have a rich husband but thought it would be better to do more charity work than go back to work.

She admitted that her life was changing, but she was happy to see her 22-year-old son get married, even though she didn’t like his partner. She appreciated that she was direct and business-oriented, but some of her remarks could be harsh.

For example, the Redditor mentioned that she and her husband gave her a gift on her wedding day, but the daughter-in-law noted that she would only express her gratitude to her father because she was aware that his money was used to buy the gift.

She informed the Original Poster (OP) that this was not a legitimate job, even though the OP clarified that she volunteered. For the sake of his son, the Redditor was still trying to keep his cool. She confronted his wife and dropped the matter with him as well, but the passive-aggressive remarks persisted.

The mother-in-law organized a meeting and one day made a home-cooked dinner. As she finished, her daughter-in-law made another remark: “No wonder I could cook at home, since I did nothing else all day.”

The OP lost it this time and informed the daughter-in-law that she had to show her some respect. The older woman was not moved by her daughter-in-law’s tears, even though she was taken aback by the OP’s answer. Although her son was angry with her and felt that what she had done was unreasonable, her mother threw her out of the house. The Redditor then asked for feedback from other users.

Commenters agreed with the 39-year-old, believing her daughter-in-law was wrong to treat her and her life with such disdain.

People figured that the Redditor’s lack of a life that matched her business standards didn’t diminish her importance, especially if she and her husband were happy.

Readers noted that she still does a lot of good deeds, so volunteering doesn’t diminish her value.

Several commenters asked how the OP’s son justified his wife’s actions and what the OP’s husband thought about it.

To prove the elderly woman wrong, one Redditor thought there should be more to the story. Several readers expressed astonishment at the daughter-in-law’s actions and felt that she should learn basic respect, even in the absence of any evidence.

The mother’s response was similarly seen by some as the “verbal slap” she needed, but many others counted on her becoming a victim rather than admitting her mistakes.

Redditors said that the wife needs to mature and learn more about the different dynamics that exist in relationships.

Many people who left furious comments on the son’s wife’s post did not understand why she was acting like the head of another’s household. Readers insisted she should keep her “condescending” remarks to herself.

However, another commenter believed that the mother should be the one to set the limits and let the son know that he and his wife are not welcome in her house until he apologizes. Do you think the mother’s reaction was inappropriate?

The situation outlined in the Reddit post drew a strong response from readers, many of whom supported the mother’s stance against her daughter-in-law’s condescending behavior. It was generally agreed that while the daughter-in-law’s actions were disrespectful, the mother had every right to defend herself and demand respect in her own home. However, the situation also highlighted the importance of setting boundaries and clearly communicating expectations to avoid future conflicts. Setting those limits may involve having honest conversations with her son and daughter-in-law about mutual respect and understanding.

byu/ForsakenWolverine444 from discussion
byu/ForsakenWolverine444 from discussion
byu/ForsakenWolverine444 from discussion
byu/ForsakenWolverine444 from discussion
byu/ForsakenWolverine444 from discussion
byu/ForsakenWolverine444 from discussion

In conclusion, although the mother’s response may have been intense, it appears to have been the culmination of ongoing passive-aggressive comments that undermined her efforts and contributions. A key benefit is the need for clear communication and boundary-setting to maintain respectful relationships in the family. Whether the mother’s reaction was completely justified or not, it underscores the importance of mutual respect and understanding in family relationships. The incident serves as a reminder that the roles and contributions of each family member should be valued, regardless of whether they conform to traditional or business-oriented standards. Going forward, it would be beneficial for all stakeholders to engage in open dialogue to address and resolve underlying tensions.

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