Martha Stewart Shares Why She Chooses Not to Wear Undergarments

Martha Stewart’s recent revelation about her decision not to wear underwear during a social event has caught the attention of many. This candid revelation isn’t the first time she’s made headlines with her outspoken comments. One notable example was her appearance on The Chelsea Handler Show, where she delved into her dating preferences and experiences.

During the show, Stewart openly admitted to falling in love with men, describing them as “crazy crushes”. This revelation surprised many, especially when she mentioned that one of these lovers was married. The revelation added another layer of intrigue to Stewart’s personal life and showed her candor even on sensitive subjects.

Appearing at a recent social event, the 82-year-old openly revealed her unusual choice of underwear.

Her current remarks are not the first to amaze us.

Remember her appearance on the Chelsea Handler show where she discussed the types of men she would date?

Stewart admitted: “I’ve had two crazy crushes in the last month, which is really good for me.”

The business mogul also revealed that one of the men was married, which was stunning.

“But it turns out, you know, one of them is married to the mother of a couple of my friends, and I just — he’s so attractive,” she told Handler.

Stewart has openly stated that she “can’t be a wreck,” and we wholeheartedly agree.

She continued, “You know, you can’t be a home wrecker.”

She continued by telling Handler that she “never destroyed a home.”

Martha Stewart’s recent revelation about not wearing underwear to an event has sparked curiosity and raised eyebrows. This isn’t the first time we’ve been surprised by her candid remarks; a notable example was her appearance on The Chelsea Handler Show, where she openly discussed her romantic interests. Despite admitting that she has crushes on married men, Stewart has stood firm on her principles, expressing that she can’t be a wreck. This honesty and directness are characteristic of Stewart’s personality and reflect her integrity and strong convictions.

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