Mother Alerts Teens About the Dangers of Nutmeg Intoxication, Spice Emits Harmful Substance

A Georgia woman recently shared a TikTok video warning other parents about the dangers of children baking themselves by inhaling common spices from their kitchen cupboard. According to a now-viral video, nutmeg — a spice that can be used to accent both savory and sweet dishes — is driving teenagers crazy and giving them a deadly “nutmeg high.”

Learn more about the psychoactive substance—which can be dangerous and even fatal if taken in large amounts—by continuing to read.

On March 11, a woman who uses the TikTok handle Lakeview Living posted a video that has since gone viral in which she talks to parents and teenagers about the new practice of sniffing. Almost 600,000 people watched the video with the caption: “Really guys?!

NUTMEG? Where do they get the ideas for these things?” “I was talking to one of my teacher friends today and she said, ‘Girl, trying to stay one step ahead of these kids is exhausting.'” the mother writes in the widely shared post. He describes it as a “flip of the wild” and explains that teachers discovered some children were carrying small bottles of nutmeg during a “backpack check”. The students, who preferred to stay out of the linguistic jingle, said the spice was for “cooking class.”

Still, the chef said, “What are you talking about?” in response to the teacher’s discussion about pumpkin pie spice. Nutmeg is not used in any of our recipes.” The shocked mum goes on to say that a ‘resource officer’ at the school overheard the discussion and took the delicious nutty substance before suspending the crafty children involved.

The mother goes on to mock the resourceful but lazy teenagers, saying, “You can’t do your homework, but you can figure out how to get out of a nutmeg? You make sense.”

Medical News Today claims that when taken in large doses (two tablespoons), it produces a “high” comparable to some hallucinogenic drugs. This is known as nutmeg intoxication.”

Myristicin, a chemical found in nutmeg, is processed by the body into methylenedioxyamphetamine (MMDA), a hallucinogenic substance. “Those who are intoxicated with nutmeg

suffer from a range of symptoms such as hallucinations and fatigue.” In addition, nutmeg poisoning can be dangerous and even fatal.

“The Anarchist Cookbook” Many of the woman’s followers, who are also parents, expressed concern about people sniffing the spice.

This has been around for a long time. It contains a psychotropic component, but not in a good way. One TikToker writes: “You’ll get the worst hangover of your life for a 10-minute high.”

A mother says, “As a mother of [four] Gen Alphas… I am so grateful for the teachers and their patience with my children.” She thanks them for babysitting her kids and being part of the generation that comes after Gen Z. Because no way.”

Others agree that sniffing nutmeg is nothing new. “It was so popular at my school in 2002 that they had to do a PSA about how toxic nutmeg can be if you use too much of it,” writes one student. Another reply: “Nutmeg was popular when I was like 12…someone talking to Gen X!”

A third laughs: “Gen X’er here – Anarchist cookbook of course.” Meanwhile, one netizen shares her own story of treating a young man with nutmeg poisoning: “Years ago, I treated a child in the hospital for nutmeg intoxication. I’ve never heard of it before. it started in prison. They do have internet access, though, so I’m sure they figured it out that way.” The use of nutmeg as a drug precedes prison; it was used long before inmates were introduced to its psychedelic properties.

According to the Encyclopedia of Toxicology, thousands of years ago, “nutmeg seeds were used medicinally as a narcotic, aphrodisiac, abortifacient, and anti-bloating agent, as well as an inducer [of menstruation].” Hemorrhoids, persistent vomiting, rheumatism, cholera, psychosis, stomachaches, nausea, and anxiety are among the modern conditions for which nutmeg seeds are used. In addition, nutmeg seed oil has analgesic, anti-rheumatic, and antimicrobial properties.”

“Do you know why everyone is suspended?” the mother asks. ever since those crazy teenagers discovered that nutmeg can be used to get high.”
“Is nothing sacred anymore?” he asks further.

Do you know nutmeg as a medicine? Kindly let us know what you think and then share this story with others so we can raise awareness about storing spices! Five Times Presents Totally ruined parties

Parents everywhere were horrified by a recent TikTok video that shed light on the dangerous trend of teenagers inhaling common spices like nutmeg to achieve “nutmeg intoxication.” A video shared by a Georgia woman using TikTok Lakeview Living quickly went viral, drawing attention to the alarming practices among teens. In the video, the woman recounted a conversation with a teacher friend who discovered students carrying small bottles of nutmeg during a routine backpack check under the guise of a cooking class. However, upon further investigation, it was revealed that the spice was being used for purposes other than cooking, leading to a suspension by the school’s resource manager.

The video sparked conversations among parents and TikTok users about the dangers of ingesting large doses of nutmeg, which contains myristicin, a chemical that can have hallucinogenic effects when processed into MMDA by the body. Concerns have been raised about the potential health risks and toxicity associated with nutmeg intoxication, with some users recalling past experiences or encounters with individuals suffering from nutmeg poisoning.

Despite the shock and concern expressed by many, some users noted that the use of nutmeg as a recreational drug is not a new phenomenon and has been documented for years. References have been made to its historical use in medicine and its reputation as a substance with psychoactive properties dating back millennia. The video served as a reminder of the importance of awareness and vigilance, especially among parents, in monitoring and educating children about the potential risks associated with substance abuse, even with seemingly innocuous household items such as spices.

In conclusion, the viral TikTok video highlighting the dangers of nutmeg intoxication serves as a sobering reminder of the need for continued awareness and education about adolescent substance abuse. By sharing information and engaging in dialogue about the risks associated with the recreational use of common household items, we can work to prevent harm and promote safer choices among young people.

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