Story of the Day: Mother of the Bride Catches Groom Entering Bathroom with Bridesmaid During Wedding

The story of Iris, how she catches her daughter’s fiance Daniel with another woman on Eliza’s wedding day, is a dramatic and heart-wrenching story. It begins with Iris’s anticipation and excitement for her daughter’s special day, only to be shaken by the shocking discovery of Daniel’s betrayal.

When Iris witnesses a secret meeting between Daniel and Melissa in the toilet, her world is turned upside down. The revelation of their affair, along with Daniel’s callous comments about Eliza, fills Iris with a mixture of disbelief and anxiety.

78-year-old Iris When Iris catches her daughter’s fiance sneaking into the restroom with a bridesmaid, she tries to give him a special gift. Iris decides to follow them after seeing something that makes her run to her daughter and call off the wedding.

Iris was incredibly happy that day. Eliza, her 50-year-old daughter, was about to tie the knot with Daniel, the love of her life. Before the wedding ceremony could begin, Iris snuck up on her future son-in-law to give him her late husband’s diamond cufflinks.

Iris had to push herself to catch up with Daniel because he was moving too fast. Her knees hurt. She watched him walk over to his business partner and maid of honor, Melissa, and whisper something to her.

The two then left the area and headed around the back of the restaurant. Iris tiptoed after them, wondering how they would disappear into the bathroom together.

Iris walked over to the restroom and opened the door a little, but her heart sank when she looked inside.

Daniel wrapped his arms around Melissa’s waist and said, “I can’t wait, baby,” pulling her inside.

“Honey, not now,” Melissa grumbled. “If anyone finds out, our plans will be ruined.

“Daniel and Melissa…are they having an affair?” Iris shrank back against the wall, startled.

Daniel said, “Just once before I marry that boring Eliza.”

“You need to stay married for a few months, honey. Be patient.” Imagine the huge salary we get after you divorce your stupid wife. Millions of dollars worth of cash and assets – but only if you control yourself right now!

Iris leaned over to look at Daniel and Melissa in the bathroom mirror.

They were caught in passionate kisses in each other’s arms.

“Not now…baby…stop…no, stop!”

Melissa whispered. “We have to get back to the party.

“Not unless you promise to meet me later at my house,” Daniel replied. “We’re carrying on as always… meeting secretly after Eliza leaves for work!”

Melissa laughed and then they kissed some more. Iris ran off to warn her daughter that Daniel was a bad gold digger when she couldn’t watch or take it anymore.

Eliza was not in the dining room when Iris rushed there. The MC suddenly demanded everyone pay attention.

“Before we proceed to the wedding hall, the bride has a special gift for the groom,” he said.

Eliza walked onto the stage and grabbed the MC’s microphone. She admitted that it was a little unusual.

“…I’ve waited a long time to find a man to spend the rest of my life with…and I want to dedicate it to him!”

Eliza performed a beautiful love ballad while the band started playing chords behind her. Eliza finished her song and the room fell silent.

As the audience cheered, Daniel rushed to the stage to hug her.

Iris felt her heart sink as Eliza stared at him like he was the brightest star in the sky.

Iris knew that when her daughter found out about Daniel’s deception, it would break her heart.

The live wedding scene was interrupted by the MC saying, “What a beautiful moment.” “Let’s all go to the wedding hall so these lovers can have their first dance!”

Iris waded through the crowd to come face to face with her daughter. “Eliza, I have something to tell you…it’s about Daniel.

“What about Daniel? Mom, is everything okay?”

“It is, love…I’m not sure where to start. Is it possible for us to talk in private?”

“Daniel is waiting for me, Mom. Okay, we’ll talk after the first dance.”

“Honey, no, please wait…”

“Are you ready Eliza?” Melissa walked around Iris and went to the bride.

“Daniel is waiting for you in the ballroom.

Eliza followed Melissa to the door with a happy smile, looking stunning in her wedding dress. Iris was devastated and lacked the courage to break her heart on her daughter’s special day.

So she anxiously watched the progress of the wedding. She was unable to uncover Daniel and Melissa’s extramarital affair. There was only one way the slime could be revealed, and that was up to Iris to make sure Eliza caught him in the act.

The next Monday, Eliza and Daniel took Iris to the airport so she could catch an early flight home. Seeing Daniel being such a mushy dove with Eliza disgusted Iris.

He said, “You two go ahead and check-in,” once they arrived at the airport. “I will follow you soon with your luggage, Iris.

As Iris boarded the flight home, she couldn’t shake the heaviness in her heart. Witnessing her daughter’s wedding taking place amidst the turmoil of Daniel’s betrayal was a bitter pill to swallow. Despite her inner turmoil, Iris knew she had to muster the strength to protect her daughter from further heartbreak.

During the flight, Iris reflected on the events of the wedding day and decided to confront Daniel’s deception. She knew Eliza deserved to know the truth, no matter how painful it might be.

Arriving home, Iris wasted no time in reaching out to Eliza. She knew she couldn’t let her daughter’s happiness be shattered by Daniel’s deception. With a heavy heart but unwavering determination, Iris prepared to uncover the truth and stand by her daughter’s side in whatever came next.

The journey home marked the beginning of a new chapter for Iris and Eliza, full of challenges but also the strength of their bond. As they face the truth together, Iris vows to protect her daughter from further harm and support her as she navigates the complexities of love and relationships.

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