“This Marriage is Off!” Groom Exclaims Upon Discovering the Reality About His Bride – Highlight of the Day

Before delving into the intricate details of Jane’s tumultuous wedding day and its aftermath, it’s necessary to set the stage for the emotional roller coaster she experienced. Jane carefully planned her dream wedding with Victor, envisioning a day full of joy and love. However, her world came crashing down when Victor discovered she was not a virgin, leading to a series of events that changed the course of her life.

The anticipation and nerves of the wedding day were palpable as Jane prepared for the ceremony. Despite her excitement, there was an underlying tension due to Victor’s expectations of their intimacy on their wedding night. This tension only increased when Victor ignored the tradition of not seeing the bride before the wedding, causing Jane a momentary discomfort.

As the situation escalated, with Victor insisting on immediate intimacy and Jane trying to postpone it until after the wedding, their differing opinions and misunderstandings came to a head. Victor’s reaction to learning that Jane was not a virgin was not only hurtful but also reflected his rigid beliefs and expectations.

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The culmination of events, including Victor’s public outburst and subsequent fallout, left Jane feeling shaken and abandoned. Amidst the chaos and grief, however, she found solace in the unexpected kindness of Marcus, the bartender, who showed her compassion and understanding in her time of need.

Marcus’s presence gave Jane a glimmer of hope and a new perspective on her value and worth as a person. His genuine care and acceptance contrast sharply with Victor’s judgment and cruelty, causing Jane to reassess her priorities and aspirations for the future.

In the midst of this emotional turmoil, Marcus’ sincere proposal for Jane symbolized a turning point, offering her a chance for a real and loving relationship based on acceptance and mutual respect. For Jane, it marked the beginning of a new chapter where she could embrace her true self and find happiness in a relationship built on understanding and connection.

Ultimately, Jane’s journey from heartbreak to newfound hope and love serves as a poignant reminder of the resilience of the human spirit and the transformative power of compassion and acceptance.

Jane was excitedly preparing for her ideal wedding to Victor, the man of her dreams, and she had butterflies in her stomach.

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But when Victor found out that Jane was not a virgin, everything came crashing down just before the wedding.

Jane looked at herself in the floor-length mirror. After months of preparation, her wedding day finally arrived. Despite her nervousness, she was thrilled to see her vision come to fruition. In just thirty minutes she would marry Victor, the man of her dreams.

And she had to admit that even though his rage scared her, she was won over by his charisma. Standing in front of the mirror now, she smiled. She adored how she looked put together as she ran her fingers through her freshly styled hair. Jane turned when she heard the sound of the door opening and saw her fiancé Victor. Normally before the ceremony, the bride’s dressing room was off-limits, but he was there.

He murmured, “Jane,” his eyes widened with desire for her. “You look stunning.

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“Winner!” cried Jane. “You shouldn’t be here! My dear, you are aware that seeing a bride before the wedding brings bad luck. Close your eyes and go on! I will support you. I will meet you at the altar, please. I will.” there in a moment.

Excitement heated the air between them as Victor stepped forward.

Breathing in her aroma, he whispered, “Don’t keep me waiting, Jane.” “I can’t wait to be wife and husband soon. I had to have you now.”

Victor fixed his gaze on Jane as he began to unbutton his suit. She was uncomfortable.

Although Jane did not agree with their decision to wait until their wedding night to be intimate, Victor was concerned about “doing things right”, so Jane was unsure why they had changed.

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He murmured into her neck and asked, “What’s wrong, Jane?” “Give me ten minutes and I’ll show you what’s in store for you tonight.”

Jane felt her bowels twist.

“Honey,” she said. “It was a long wait.

We can last until after the wedding. Moreover, I don’t want to sabotage the outfit or the hair and cosmetics. We won’t have enough time to solve the problems.”

Hissing: “Stop, Jane,” “Don’t push me aside. I want it. I understand it’s your first time, but don’t worry – I’ll make it memorable.

Jane continued to push him away until she said the words that changed the course of her life forever.

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She said, “Victor, you are not my first.”

Victor stopped and looked into her eyes to see if she was telling the truth. Her quivering lower lip and her stillness confirmed to him what was true.

He growled, “What did you say?” “You’re not a virgin? Are you saying I should have married a non-virgin woman? You couldn’t lie to me. How did you convince me that you were a godly woman worthy of my marriage—and a successful businessman?

Jane, you are disgusting. You are used, damaged products that have been discarded.”

Jane pleaded with him, claiming that it hadn’t come up before and that she had never lied about it. That was the reality; Victor thought of her as the delicate flower her parents portrayed her to be.

She was also aware that his family shared her desire to do so.

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She allowed herself to develop into a charming owner of a small bakery while Victor oversaw corporate affairs.

Victor grabbed her arm and pulled her up to the balcony where the guests sat on the grounds below enjoying welcome drinks.

For all to hear, he said, “There is no wedding!” Jane, my fiancee, led us all to believe she was a virgin! However, this is not true! She’s been with other men and I’m not marrying a castaway.”

Jane screamed into his ear, “Please stop. “Our parents will never look at us the same way!”

He said, “I don’t care,” letting her go.

Jane collapsed to the ground and hid behind a pillar. She saw Victor sprinting towards the gathering under the stairs. Kira watched him take a bottle of whiskey from the bartender and followed him as he ran off.

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Jane sighed knowing Kira would take advantage of this. “Kira,” she said. Before the end of the day, she went to bed with Victor. Jane was sure of it. It was clear from Kira’s words that she wanted Victor for herself.

Jane sighed, realizing that her life as she knew it was gone.

Jane finally made it from the cold floor to the bench inside after several hours. Looking down, she noticed traces of makeup on her hands. She had been crying ever since Victor left. She wondered why her mother had not found her.

Jane figured she was probably just embarrassed to have me as her daughter.

A man said, “Excuse me, miss,” and Jane heard it.

Looking up, she noticed one of the earlier bartenders.

He asked, “Are you okay?” “My name is Marcus. Allow me to join you in your place.”

Jane sank back into her chair, the man’s politeness rekindling her tears.

“It’s never going to be okay again,” she sobbed, the anguish evident in her unadulterated voice.

“What happened?” “Why did the groom run away?” he asked.

“Because he left me,” Jane stated simply. “He left me because I wasn’t a virgin.

Marcus laughed. “This is not the Middle Ages.

Jane reluctantly told Marcus about all the events that had made her cry on her wedding dress. She told him about Jake, the first man she fell in love with before she lost her virginity to him. Her parents put too much pressure on her, telling her that Jake was not right for her.

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Jake also couldn’t stand the tension and started cheating on her for comfort. Jane is left to fend for herself with her broken heart.

She shared with Marcus her belief that Victor accepted her for who she was, despite the fact that Victor was blind to her background.

Now she was defiled. She destroyed things.

“Jane,” Marcus stated. “Stop wasting your time feeling bad about your life. He’s not the right guy for you, so he can’t understand. Everyone has a past. Plus, I can confirm that your fiancé is anything but a virgin.”

Jane laughed through her tears.

“Come on, I know you live in the honeymoon suite of this villa. I was tasked with preparing champagne in your room. Let’s go to the menu and order everything! Let’s take a lesson from that groom of yours. Give you a part of this day that you can also continue to use.”

Jane gave in to her reluctance and followed Marcus. She had nothing to lose now.

They continued to the honeymoon suite where Jane had already neatly arranged her shoes on the wall and her dress hanging in the closet. Marcus took off his shoes and ordered every expensive dish on the menu. Jane laughed at him more than she had since the wedding plans had begun. Jane saw a glint in his eyes that took her back to when she was in love.

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Jane kissed Marcus after dinner and a pillow fight.

“That was the wrong thing I did,” Jane snapped back.

Marcus commented, “I’m glad you did,” holding her tightly.

Jane remarked, “I’m not going to use you to cover up my hurt.”

“I can’t do this to someone who has made me feel more like me in the last few hours than Victor has in months.

Jane promised herself that she would take a long bath, ask Marcus to leave, and just bemoan her situation. However, Jane collapsed back into Marcus’ arms as he called her “excellent” and planted a kiss on her neck.

The next day, Jane awoke to the soft kiss of silk sheets surrounding her. Eyes closed, she reached for Marcus, only to find the bed empty.

She called, “Marcus?” he believed he was on the toilet.

But he was missing. She sat back, tears welling up in her eyes again.

She thought naturally. I am a defective product.

Only good enough for one use.

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When the door opened moments later, Jane noticed Victor standing in the doorway.

“Well, you made yourself at home,” he replied. “Go ahead, please. Get dressed. We had an unplanned drink with the visitors. I said yesterday was a mistake because most of them stayed. After all, I’m going to marry you. I’m not interested in doing that. I refuse to even look at you. But I’d look like a saint if I brought you back.”

Jane was having trouble understanding a word he was saying. She didn’t want to be around him after the prank he pulled right before their wedding. However, there was no other option for her. She remembered the wonderful evening she had shared with Marcus, during which he had taught her to embrace her physical appearance and enjoy every moment.

However, Marcus left her. And Victor was here, offering her another chance at a simpler existence, the life of a married woman instead of a life of rejection.

She followed the instructions.

Jane made her way through the ballroom where the cocktail party was taking place. She searched every table hoping to see Marcus, but he was nowhere to be found. She realized she was repelling Victor even though he was attached to her.

She couldn’t imagine marrying him the next day after hearing his horrible remarks. However, he was a strong guy and arranged for their wedding to be rescheduled.

At the cocktail party, Jane couldn’t spot either of their parents. However, she did so as Kira stayed by Victor’s side. She was everything she had ever wanted to be—his shadow. Jane knew he had stayed the night with her.

After Tomorrow, Kira will be Victor’s lover along with Jane, the wise woman. She was sure.

“Jane,” Marcus called from the crowd. “What are you doing with him?”

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Jane felt her heart lift. He gave her a gentle look.

Jane also saw that he was wearing an expensive suit.

You left me, she cried. “You just left last night. And why are you wearing those clothes?”

Don’t you work as a bartender?

Jane caught the corner of her eye as she saw Victor’s mouth drop.

“Did you sleep with the bartender?” Victor spits.

“Like you can’t go any lower.

Marcus glared at Victor.

“One more word and I’ll have you fired.

“You can’t do that. That’s hardly a bartender’s strength,” Victor remarked.

“No, but my father owns this villa. I’m taking charge now. I pretended to be a bartender yesterday to see how things were done from a different perspective.”

Jane saw Marcus smile but didn’t return the favor.

He said, “I have not left you, Jane.” “Indeed I did. However, I fully planned to return.”

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In his coat pocket was a velvet box which he took out.

“Jane, I realize we only met recently. But I want to know everything about you because I find you magical. Your past and your present. I long for the future we share. Now get to know me.”

But while you’re at it, kindly wear it on your finger. jane will you marry me

Marcus bent down in front of Jane and gave her the ring.

Jane nodded and saw herself in a future where she would be loved and respected for who she truly was.

Marcus picked her up and pressed his kiss to her until she squealed.

Her story is far from over.

Please share this story with your friends and let us know what you think. It could lift them up and make their day.

Here is another story I wrote in case you enjoyed this one. Jane receives anonymous messages warning her against marrying Anthony when she is about to. When he goes on a wild goose chase to a nearby motel, he discovers the reasons behind the warnings.

Click here to read the full story.

This essay was prepared by a professional writer and motivated by anecdotes from the daily lives of our readers. Any resemblance to actual names or places is purely coincidental. All images are for illustrative purposes only. Tell us your story and maybe it will change someone’s life. Send me your story if you want to share it.

In conclusion, Jane’s wedding day began with excitement and anticipation only to unravel in a series of heartbreaking events. Victor’s reaction to finding out that Jane is not a virgin shatters her dreams of a perfect wedding. His hurtful words and public humiliation lead Jane to question her worth and her future.

Amidst the chaos and pain, however, Jane finds unexpected comfort in Marcus, the bartender, who shows her kindness and understanding. Marcus’ genuine care and acceptance allowed Jane to see herself in a new light, free of judgment and expectations weighing her down.

Marcus’ proposal at the cocktail party symbolized a new beginning for Jane, a chance to be with someone who valued her for who she was, flaws and all. Despite Victor’s attempts to regain control, Jane chooses to accept the love and happiness that Marcus offers, marking the beginning of a new chapter in her life.

This story serves as a reminder that true love and acceptance can come from unexpected places and encourages readers to value themselves and seek relationships based on mutual respect and understanding.

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