My Mother-in-Law Gifted Me the Perfect Mattress, but the Real Reason Behind It Left Me Horrified

Larissa started doting on Julia after she won the mother-in-law lottery. After struggling to get pregnant, she depends on Julia for help. But months after the baby is born, her husband discovers something that leads them to wonder how exactly Julia could have helped.

I was lucky enough to be one of those women who married a magical mother-in-law when I married Toby. Julia was everything I could have hoped for in a mother-in-law: she was compassionate and caring and didn’t just see me as a member of her family. She rather accepted me as her own daughter.

“Told you so,” Toby replied one day when I expressed my gratitude to Julia for accepting me. “He’s loved you from the beginning, Larissa.Even in her advanced age, Julia radiated vitality. She kept coming and going from our house, eager to immerse herself in our cooking. When I invited her to sit down, she said, “I just want to feed you,” ready for me to cook for her instead.

“I’ve got nothing to do but meet the ladies for a drink,” she laughed. It usually ended with Toby coming home to the sound of laughter and music from our cooking together. I moved here with Toby after college, so my parents were on the other side of the nation.

Although I was able to stay in touch with my family through phone and video chats, Julia ended up fulfilling the role of mother – the one who was always there. Toby and I were trying for a baby after three years of marriage. Toby said, “I’m ready if you are.” “I think now is the time.

I agreed with Toby. I wanted to be a mother and I was ready. So we tried it. And we couldn’t get pregnant for months. And reality set in stronger the longer we tried. It is possible that having biological children was not meant for us. “What do you want to do?” I asked Toby. “Keep trying?” Toby nodded. I knew that he sincerely wanted to be a father, but I also knew that he would not ask anything of me.

I was so torn and went to my mother-in-law for advice. Julia bought Toby and me a brand new mattress and also took me to an appointment with a wellness coach and fertility massages.

My mother-in-law commented, “Maybe your body isn’t getting enough rest.”
“Maybe you just need to give your body the best possible chance.”
“Do you think that was a bit unnecessary?” As we tested our new mattress that evening, I asked Toby.

Toby commented, “Normally I’d say yes.” “However, there may be more to what Mom mentioned. Our mattress was terrible before. Maybe that will make a difference.”
Indeed, it was. Because I found out in less than a month that we were pregnant. At first, I was so nervous about everything that I wasn’t sure if I should tell my husband and our family.

I was under the impression that by accepting reality I could signal something to happen. However, it was self-serving and my unwarranted anxiety made no sense. We were definitely headed towards parenthood and Toby needed to know that. “I’m so glad Toby picked me up,” he said. “Finally!”

After we were safe in the second trimester, we informed our relatives and expressed satisfaction with the healthy growth of the baby. And suddenly our daughter Maddie was born before we knew it. To help the three of us navigate the unknown waters of fatherhood, my mother-in-law took over. In addition to cooking and cleaning, she took over Maddie’s early morning nursing schedule.

I felt happy to have Julia around, especially since my parents couldn’t visit and see our new baby yet. Until Toby found something in our house that made me never look at Julia the same.

Maddie sleeping in our bed didn’t bother Toby or me; it was just easier for me to feed her at night. However, one night Maddie snapped, with disastrous results for our bed. When Toby heard about Maddie’s drama, he yawned, “You’re gonna fix that kid.” “I’ll make the bed.” My daughter had a wound so I grabbed her and carried her to the bathroom instead of just changing her nappy. Maddie put her rubber hands on my face and drew a coot.

“My dear,” I greeted her. “You have to make life difficult for us and Dad, huh?”
What I didn’t know was that Toby had discovered a strange object attached to our mattress when he was taking apart our bed. By the time I finished with Maddie, she was practically asleep. I brought her into our bedroom and prepared to put her in the crib while I helped Toby change the sheets. When he saw me in the doorway he exclaimed, “Oh, honey.” “We can’t use this anymore.

“What do you think?” She asked as Maddie hung up. “Did she get it in the mattress?” Toby looked anxious. After he picked her up, the mattress was on its side. “No, that’s not it,” he said. Watching him struggle to find the right words confused me. “What topic are you talking about? It’s just a mattress, let us take care of it.”
“No, Larissa,” he interrupted, his voice rising with excitement. “It’s not just a mattress.

At this point, I was tired and a little irritated with my husband. Toby never hesitated to speak, but here in the early hours of the morning, he was unsteady enough to make his bed. “What?”

He exclaimed, “Look what I found.” Toby gave me a small silk purse. Inside were several herbs. I hadn’t noticed the bags before.”What’s this about?” “Where did you find it?” I asked. “The mattress was stuck to it. I believe we were blind to it earlier because it was hidden under the mattress protector.”

“Fine, but what’s the point?” I asked feeling confused and upset.
“These are fertility herbs, they must be!” Toby shouted.
I didn’t know what he was discussing.
“Look, I don’t know if my mother believes in fairy tales or not, but I know she does. What if it’s this story?”
I replied, “She would never do that.” “In any case!”
“So where else did it come from?”
Toby asked a direct question.

When Julia came to stay, he made us sleep in the guest bedroom. Of course, I couldn’t sleep. Despite my best efforts, I was unable to calm my mind.

I turned to face Maddie who was dozing between Toby and me. She was flawless. Even though we had trouble conceiving, Maddie was always our baby. She had Toby’s and my eyes. She truly belonged to us in every way.

But it was obvious that she was born not long after Julia gave us the bed.

Could the herbs have helped Maddie’s labor? But was it even possible?

I don’t remember going to sleep, but I was awakened by the usual smell of gas. Toby was outside soaking our mattress. As I was walking out the back door, he threw a match at it.

In an instant the mattress was ablaze and the flames seemed to dance with the same ferocity as my inner turmoil. I tried to decipher Julia’s intentions. I didn’t understand why he wouldn’t share it with me when we were always so close.

I didn’t know the meaning of the herbs, but I wouldn’t have felt the dread and paranoia that had gripped me since Toby’s discovery if she had told me.

“What are you doing?” I screamed as I heard the fire getting stronger.

“Honey, we weren’t able to keep it up. We weren’t able to,” he remarked.

Anything mysterious or even remotely supernatural terrified Toby. He was horrified by it all. He would rather sleep in our car than spend another night in a house with a mattress.

I watched Maddie sleep on the baby monitor while the mattress burned. Toby and I were silent for a long time, not sure what was going on in our house.

Later, Julia stopped by to prepare our morning meal as usual. My husband took the lead and spoke in a firm tone that was tinged with betrayal.

“Mom, why did you withhold our mattress? On herbs, he asked.

Julia was still one of my favorite people, even after all we had learned, so I gave her a cup of tea. As much as I loved my mother, I also adored her.

My mother-in-law’s usually bright smile was replaced by a serious expression of shame.

“I just wanted help. I thought if it worked you wouldn’t care how, even though I knew you were having trouble getting pregnant. I didn’t mean to hurt you in any way. Especially not my granddaughter.”

What else did you do? What’s in the bag? Besides plants?” Our living room was flooded with sharp and quick questions from Toby.

“Nothing!” When Julia finally noticed Toby’s fear, she screamed. They are just dried herbs. She replied, “I can give you a list of them.” “I’ll bring you two to the store where I bought them. The little apothecary next to my dentist is quite charming. It’s a natural health store.”

“You could have just informed us,” I realized. How can we trust what you’re doing from now on? How can we tell if our child is really a miracle or just a product of your herbs?”

Her eyes filled with tears, and she asked, “Does it matter?” “Maddie is here and she’s ours.

It’s hard for me to argue with that. Maddie was a natural fit for us. I only felt hurt that Julia did this and didn’t tell me. Plus I felt compelled to be mad at her because my husband was furious.

She muttered “Sorry,” my mother-in-law apologized. “I really am.

Toby next to me softened at her words.

“Mom, we really need to start over,” he remarked.

“You must inform us in advance if you intend to do anything like this in the future. We must be aware of what is happening in our own households.”

Julia smiled at us and nodded. We found the truth and it seemed to shake her.

I was confused because I knew how hard it was for us to get pregnant and there was a part of me that would always be grateful to her. But how on earth could resting on a handful of herbs help conception?

While Julia made us pie for lunch, Toby spent the rest of the day browsing mattresses online. I just enjoyed spending time with my child.

How do you feel? Do you think herbal medicine and folklore are real?

Here is one more fairy tale for you. Maddie, pregnant and eager to make amends with her mother-in-law before the baby is born, discovers Meredith in the middle of the bed, participating in a strange ritual. What is going on and does Maddie have to worry?

Larissa and Toby’s journey to parenthood has been full of unexpected twists and turns, but the revelation of Julia’s hidden help was perhaps the most surprising of all. Julia’s intentions, though shrouded in mystery at first, were rooted in love and a desire to see her son and daughter-in-law happy. The herbal medicine she placed under the mattress was her way of contributing to their fight, a silent prayer for the family she cared so deeply about.

As Larissa and Toby navigate the aftermath of this revelation, they face complex emotions of gratitude, betrayal, and confusion. Their trust is tested not by malice, but by an act of love shrouded in mystery. For Julia, it was a painful reminder that even the best intentions need transparency and communication to avoid misunderstandings.

In the days that followed, Larissa and Toby focused on rebuilding their relationship with Julia. They realized that although the methods Julia used were unconventional, they were driven by a genuine desire to help. The incident became a lesson in the importance of honesty and open dialogue in the family. They recognized the need to be informed and involved in decisions affecting their lives, especially when it came to something as significant as their journey to becoming parents.

Julia also learned the value of transparency and respect for boundaries. She understood that her actions, while intended to be supportive, caused unnecessary stress and fear. The healing process involved many honest conversations, apologies, and a mutual commitment to moving forward with greater openness.

For Larissa, the most important affirmation was the bond she shared with her mother-in-law. Despite her initial shock and confusion, she couldn’t ignore the fact that Julia’s actions came from love. She decided to focus on the beautiful outcome – Maddie, their miracle child. Whether herbs played a role in her conception or not, Larissa chose to embrace the joy and wonder of her daughter’s presence.

With his practical mind, Toby found comfort in understanding and forgiving his mother’s actions. He valued what they learned about setting boundaries and maintaining open communication, which he knew would be essential in their role as parents. Together, they decided to create a home environment where trust and honesty were paramount, ensuring that Maddie would grow up in a space full of love and understanding.

As the family settled back into their routine, the initial tension gradually dissolved. They found a new mattress, without any hidden surprises, and continued to make beautiful memories together. Julia remained an integral part of their lives, her place in their hearts unchanged despite the hiccups.

This experience brought them together and taught them the importance of facing challenges together and the strength of family bonds. They embraced the future with renewed confidence and a deeper understanding of each other. As Maddie grew, surrounded by the love of her parents and grandmother, Larissa and Toby knew they were ready to face whatever came their way, united as a family.

Do you believe in the power of herbal medicine and folklore? Have you ever experienced a situation where someone’s secret help, although well-intentioned, led to unexpected consequences? Share your thoughts and stories with us.

If you liked this story, we have another interesting story for you. Maddie, pregnant and eager to reconcile with her mother-in-law before the baby is born, finds Meredith in the middle of the bed during a strange ritual. What could happen and should Maddie be worried?

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