The Impact of March’s Full “Worm Moon” on Your Zodiac Sign

The Worm Moon, or the first full moon of spring, will be visible in the night sky on Sunday, March 24, and Monday, March 25. On March 25 at 3:00 a.m. ET, the Moon will be at its brightest. Astrologer Evan Nathaniel Grim says the next full moon is also a lunar penumbral eclipse, complicating things a bit.

“This Lunar Eclipse marks the point of closure from an event in your life that was delayed around October 14, 2023, during the Annular Solar Eclipse at 21 degrees Libra,” he says.

Occurring at the end of a month’s lunar cycle, the full moon is always associated in astrology with a sense of completion or completion.

Aries may need to let go out toxic friendships.

Grim claims that the eclipse aspect will highlight all the ways you’re holding yourself back while amplifying that emotion. “This can be a time to stand within your own power and stop compromising your unique individuality, allowing you to project outwardly the qualities you seek in friends, business partners, and romantic partners,” she says.

March 25 is not the best day to manifest, although it is during the full moon and you can let go, make changes, and think about the future. “The unpredictability of the eclipse means you shouldn’t set intentions,” adds Grim. Instead, take stock of your progress over the past few months, let go, and enjoy the arrival of spring. Below is an astrologer’s prediction of how each zodiac sign will be affected by the full moon on March 25.

On March 25th, as the full moon approaches, Aries may experience an intense urge to distance themselves from all things poisonous. Grim says this madness will help you realize it’s time to let go of toxic relationships and connections, so now is the perfect time to send some breakup messages, especially to those you’ve been corresponding with since October.

This full moon could also inspire you to set firm limits to protect your peace of mind. Once you do that, you’ll start meeting people who will boost your confidence. She advises, “With your heightened sense of self-love, [seek] your ‘frequency match,’ whether it’s a business partner, friend, or romance. If you find them easy to be around, you’ll know they’re a good fit.

Taurus: (April 20-May 20)

Taurus will feel a surge of energy.

With a new surge of energy, Taurus, the first full moon of spring will get you moving. Grim suggests taking advantage of this momentum to begin the journey to health. This might mean you’re ready to kick the bed rot phase and start a new routine, like morning yoga or long walks. However, the same boost of energy can also motivate you to change your career path. “That would be a great time to finish a work project,” Grim suggests. “You may also have the opportunity to change jobs or job duties or join a new team in your current job.”

May 21 – June 20, Gemini

Gemini will enjoy going on dates this full moon.

Even if you vowed never to touch dating apps again, Gemini will be strongly tempted to do so during this full moon. Embracing your inner flirty self and having a little fun won’t hurt. Because spring is the perfect time to dress up for a cute date, and the eclipse will only heighten the mood.

If you’re a Gemini and already in a relationship, your relationship may change on March 25. “You can either end the relationship or realize that you would like to continue to commit to them,” explains Grim. Think about sharing a house or formalizing your relationship.

June 21–22 July: Cancer

Cancer will hunt for a new apartment this full moon.

Have you spent months looking at rental listings? In that case, “it’s time to reassess whether you’re living in an ideal location,” adds Grim.

Maybe you’ve figured out that you need the extra space to eventually adopt a dog, or that you’d like to live in a walkable city where you can walk to all of your destinations. Some Cancers may officially be ready to try living in a new city or move to a new space, so find a place that meets your needs as much as possible.

Leo: (July 23-August 22)

Leo will have a lot of breakthroughs this full moon.

Leo will feel like a new person during this full moon. Grim predicts that you will experience a series of breakthroughs that will affect almost every aspect of your life and that this will be exactly the kind of fresh start you’ve been waiting for.

In case you’ve been putting in significant effort, the conclusion is near. And you’ll find yourself bursting with creative ideas all of a sudden if you’ve taken up a creative hobby. According to Grim, many Leos will also have significant chats with friends – conversations that may have been long overdue. Get ready for meaningful conversations over coffee.

Virgo (August 23 – September 22)

Virgo will get their finances in order this full moon.

Chances are you’ll receive more money in the coming weeks, Virgo. “This could come in the form of a raise or a salary adjustment through getting a new job,” says Grim. Extra money may also accumulate as a result of a revised understanding of spending. In any case, you will notice that you will be thinking about money more often.

Try creating a budget or setting some financial goals, such as saving for a rainy day or building up credit. Your dating life will likely change at the same time. “This eclipse will change your relationships,” he says. “You will know who you can trust and which relationships are sustainable in the long term.”

Libra: September 23 – October 22

Libra will have a reset this full moon.

According to Grim, this full moon will coincide with the first eclipse of 2024 and the first of two eclipses in Libra. Astrologically speaking, this air sign will see a significant shift as a result. You should prepare yourself to let go of all the relationships you don’t want to be in and all the bad habits that have been holding you back with the arrival of the full moon.

Which friends annoy you? And what habits or ways of thinking are no longer serving you? Whatever they are, kick them to the curb.

Get ready to tie up a few loose ends when you’re at it. “Anything you started in mid-October last year is likely to reach a resolution or conclusion now,” says Grim. “This is really a cathartic reset that allows you to make room for better relationships and a new and improved you.”

Scorpio: October 23 – November 21

Scorpio should take extra naps during the full moon.

Scorpio will have a particularly spiritual experience during the next full moon, Grim predicts. Your relationship with the universe, the people around you, and yourself will go through a complete reset as a result. You will have a deep awareness of your life goals and the necessary adjustments required to achieve them. You will also experience a feeling of lightness and relief from the fatigue that has surrounded you since autumn.

Grim says to make sure you’re ready to welcome change by taking care of yourself. “This would be a great time to focus on sleep hygiene and mental well-being.”

Sagittarius (November 22-December 21)

Sagittarius might want to lead a meet-up this March.

This Full Moon will highlight all of your Sagittarius fellowships and friendships. Grim predicts that in addition to spending some quality time together with your closest friends, you can make exciting new acquaintances. It is possible that the lunar eclipse motivates you to take a leadership position in the company or organize an important event.

Meanwhile, “your social media efforts can also take you in a new direction,” he continues, so get ready to post on TikTok and get more followers on Instagram. Enjoy, you’ve been feeling extra social lately.

Capricorn: (December 22 – January 19)

Capricorn will reinspect their work flow.

As a Capricorn, your work often runs smoothly in the background like a well-oiled machine, but this madness will make you rethink everything. Grim also says significant adjustments are necessary. You may come to the realization that you really need to find a better balance between your personal and work life during the full moon, perhaps by asking for help or going on vacation.

Admitting that you’ve taken on more than you can handle can be hard, but your current stress level is a strong sign that something has to give. You can always blame the moon if you need to leave a project or take time off. Keep in mind that full moons are ideal times to relax, reset, and let go.

Aquarius: January 20-18 February

Aquarius might enjoy taking a class.

The next Full Moon in Aquarius will give you a new perspective that will make you feel like you’re seeing things clearly for the first time.

According to Grim, it’ll feel like you’ve been hit with a miraculous burst of inspiration if you’re stuck or even a little bored.

You shouldn’t be shocked when you browse local seminars or interesting meetings in your region at three in the morning, or when you open your laptop to make last-minute travel arrangements.

Starting pottery, starting a new exercise regime, or visiting friends can be the perfect way to lift your spirits.

Pisces: February 19-20 March

Grim predicts that Pisces will be thinking about money during the full moon, and probably not in a positive way. He suggests taking a quick look at your finances now to avoid any potential hiccups, especially if you share them with a partner.

Pisces will rethink their finances.

You may need to have an open discussion with your partner about any shared accounts if money has been a source of conflict in your relationship.

After the conversation, you may decide that in order to make both of you feel happier, it would be best to separate yourself financially, at least for the time being.

As the Worm Moon approaches, astrologer Evan Nathaniel Grim provides insight into how each zodiac sign may be affected by this celestial event. With the added complexity of a lunar penumbral eclipse, the full moon signals closure from events dated to October 2023 and calls on individuals to let go of what no longer serves them.

For Aries, this is a time to cut ties with toxicity, while Taurus can find renewed energy for wellness or career changes. Gemini may feel tempted to explore new romantic avenues while Cancers reassess their life situation. Leos can experience breakthroughs in various aspects of life, while Virgos focuses on finances and relationships. Libras are going through major shifts, Scorpios are embarking on spiritual journeys, and Sagittarius are deepening their connections with communities.

Capricorns may reassess their work-life balance, while Aquarians gain new perspectives and Pisces grapple with financial matters. Overall, the full moon offers an opportunity for reflection, release, and renewal, and guides each sign to grow and align with their true selves.

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